A Family Tree Narrative, Assu of Cape Mudge
A Family Tree Narrative, Assu of Cape Mudge
(2005, 24 minutes)
Assu of Cape Mudge
The Assu family -- their name meaning "a father that's highly respected" -- descend from Chief Billy Assu, the last hereditary chief of the We Wai Kai band (Kwakwaka'wakw) in Cape Mudge, a tiny community on the southwest shore of British Columbia's Quadra Island. Donald Assu, his siblings and children discuss the continued importance of the potlatch ceremony to their family and their people -- its history, its songs, the poetic and ancient language of big-house orators, and the passing on of traditional names.
A Family Tree Narrative portrays six families of Canada's First Nations through the oral traditions of storytelling. Celebrating their ancestry as far back as the stories go, they share the relationships that have given them strength, pride and love throughout the years. Through an exploration of each family's legacy, the stories weave hope and challenge, loss and triumph in the lives of the First People of this land.
A Family Tree Narrative, 6 part series x 24 minutes produced by Chiaro Productions and Martin de Valk:
Assu of Cape Mudge
Dion of the Kehewin
Dorion of Prince Albert and Cumberland House
Hungry Wolf of the Blood Tribe
Lavallee of the Piapot
Marchand of the Okanagan