Ravens and Eagles S1E08 Journey of Song
Ravens and Eagles: Journey of Song
Songs remain one of the strongest links to the nearly extinct Haida language. Three women explain how art is linked to songs and language and how all are intertwined with Haida culture. Terri Lynne Davidson is re-learning the ancestral songs once sung by her Nonnie ("grandmother" in Haida), an exploration that brings the singer closer to her heritage and to Haida art, history and lineage. Nika Collison and Irene Mills work together to learn their people's ancient and sacred songs. They delve into the meaning of Haida dances, highlighting the significance of crests on blankets and the songs to which they are connected. The pair also share the conviction that masks were not originally carved to hang on walls, but to be used in performance and ceremony. Together these three women reveal the vitality that can come from a journey of song.