Beyond Invention: Artificial Intelligence

Beyond Invention: Artificial Intelligence

"Artificial Intelligence" Beyond Invention
(2003, 48 minutes)

Step into the world of artificial intelligence as Dr. Barry Spletzer constructs flying robots in his New Mexico lab. Cyber pioneer Dr. Demetri Terzopoulos develops life within computers, and electronics engineer Robert Michelson introduces smart swarming bugs to the military.

Director: Peter Von Puttkamer
Producers: Mary Bissell, Christian Bruyère, Peter Von Puttkamer, Sheera Von Puttkamer

Beyond Invention explores the world of innovation, showcasing inventors and their creations. Each episode uncovers the stories behind the ideas and the challenges faced along the way. Through interviews viewers gain insight into the inventors' ingenuity, journey and perseverance.

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Beyond Invention: Artificial Intelligence