Crystal Fear, Crystal Clear
(2005, 45 minutes)
Crystal meth has become the drug of choice with teenagers in small towns across North America. It's cheap and easy to get, but also highly addictive and can cause permanent brain damage. Working in her home community of Hope, British Columbia, filmmaker Eva Wunderman documents a year in the lives of three families devastated by this drug. A high school girl moves in with her drug-dealing boyfriend, a young musician grapples with this powerful and seductive addiction, and a teenage girl becomes estranged from her mother. Steve Fachler, principal of DASP Alternate School, comments on his experience in working with these teenagers to complete high school.
Dr. Gabor Mate, physician and author of "Hold On To Your Kids", reflects on this phenomenon as part of a larger picture. Dr. Mate sees it as part and parcel of a general social-cultural breakdown-old social attachment structures of village clan, tribal community, neighbourhood and extended family have fallen by the wayside and been replaced by peer attachments. "Crystal Fear, Crystal Clear" sheds light on a rapidly growing problem for communities of all sizes across North America.
Director: Eva Wunderman
Producers: Eva Wunderman, Wunderman Films
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Crystal Fear, Crystal Clear (2005)
Crystal meth has become the drug of choice with teenagers in small towns across North America. It's cheap and easy to get, but also highly addictive and can cause permanent brain damage. Working in her home community of Hope, British Columbia, filmmaker Eva Wunderman documents a year in the lives...