Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Sports

Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Sports

“Sports” Season 3 Episode 3

Have you stretched? Good, because there’s lots of running and playing as Kai and Kayla discover Cree words for sports. They skateboard, climb, and try to score against a top Aboriginal soccer player, Curtis Thomas. There’s even more fun when Jason Burnstick sings a lively song about playing sports.

Nehiyawetan means "Let's Speak Cree". This dynamic thirteen part series combines live action and animation in an innovative approach to making the Cree language accessible to young children. It follows a group of Aboriginal children as they learn to speak Cree in the city. The approach taken reinforces learning through play, music, adventure and storytelling. Nehiyawetan: Let’s Speak Cree promotes language retention, offers a Cree perspective of the world and encourages smart choices about living in the city.

Directed by: Jason Krowe, Loretta Sarah Todd
Produced by: Loretta Sarah Todd, Nehiyawetan Productions

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Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Sports