Ravens and Eagles: NaXine Weaver

Ravens and Eagles: NaXine Weaver

“NaXine Weaver” Series 2 Episode 5

The granddaughter of weaver Selina Adams Peratrovich and daughter of Dolores Churchill, also a renowned weaver, Evelyn Vanderhoop creates the highly prized NaXine robe, or Chilkat blanket, a cedar bark and goat's wool textile that takes many years to complete. Traditionally, Chilkat blankets were a treasured item of First Nations nobility. While many assert that this weaving style is the domain of the Tsimshian and Tlingit people, Evelyn believes there is a strong connection between Tlingit, Tsimshian and Haida weaving. She details the history of this textile art and discusses her own process.

Shot on British Columbia's rugged north coast, this second series of Ravens and Eagles: Haida Art continues its exploration into the roots of traditional Haida art, all from the inside perspective of a member of the Haida community, writer, producer and director Marianne Jones.

Produced by: Jeff Bear, Marianne Jones, Ravens and Eagles Productions

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Ravens and Eagles: NaXine Weaver
  • Ravens and Eagles S2E05 NaXine Weaver

    “NaXine Weaver” Raven and Eagles -Series 2 Episode 5

    The granddaughter of weaver Selina Adams Peratrovich and daughter of Dolores Churchill, also a renowned weaver, Evelyn Vanderhoop creates the highly prized NaXine robe, or Chilkat blanket, a cedar bark and goat's wool textile that takes many y...