Ravens and Eagles: The New Masters

Ravens and Eagles: The New Masters

“The New Masters” Series 1 Episode 6

Haida art is in the hands of a new generation who are carrying on the traditions. Like their weaving counterparts, young carvers in Haida Gwaii have their predecessors' impressive legacy to match. The New Masters features three leading carvers from the new generation, some of the last apprentices that worked with the late Haida Master Bill Reid. Tim Boyko and Garner Moody work out of the same carvers' shed in Skidegate, British Columbia, a structure originally built by one of their elders. They discuss the part they played in a recent project that saw the completion of six totem poles. Working alone, Clayton Gladstone carves on wood and precious metals. He shares his views about contemporary and traditional art.

Shot on British Columbia's rugged northwest coast, Ravens and Eagles: Haida Art delves into the roots of traditional Haida art and traces the genesis of today's generation of Haida carvers, singers, dancers, weavers and performers. Over two series, Ravens and Eagles explores some of the wider historical and political issues of the repatriation of Haida artifacts, the vital potlatch ceremony once declared illegal by the Canadian government, and the fight to preserve old growth forest on Haida land. Created by Haida filmmaker Marianne Jones and Jeff Bear, Ravens and Eagles approaches Haida art and culture from the Haida perspective.

Produced by: Jeff Bear, Marianne Jones, Ravens and Eagles Productions

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Ravens and Eagles: The New Masters