SAMAQAN: Letter from Athabasca

SAMAQAN: Letter from Athabasca

“Letter from Athabasca” SAMAQAN Season 2 Episode 16

A visit to Fort McKay illustrates the astonishing effects from exploitation of one of the biggest deposits of oil in the world, the Tar Sands of northern Alberta. Mike and Marlene Orr of the Fort McKay First Nation explain the many changes: the infringement on their treaty rights, the impact on water resources and vegetation, and the rampant illnesses and rare cancers affecting people of all ages including the very young. They are joined by Maude Barlow who expresses strong concerns over the environmental impact of this project. George Poitras, who coined the word bloody oil at an international conference, reflects on the fact that although heavily invested by multinational corporations, neither the provincial nor federal governments have addressed the rampant public health and environmental effects of this megaproject.

This documentary from “SAMAQAN: Water Stories”, Series 2 continues the exploration of water from the perspective of North America's Indigenous people. With a focus on Oil and Water, the programs examine dangers posed by the insatiable energy sector.

Directed by: Marianne Jones, Jeff Bear
Produced by: Marianne Jones, Kristy Assu, Jeff Bear

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SAMAQAN: Letter from Athabasca