The Comics

The Comics

(2023, 13 minutes)
Annie and Mark made a joke they've come to regret. Thinking they've gone viral and are about to have their lives ruined, they do what any sane idiot would do – run off to a motel, hire a lawyer, and, in their distress, turn on each other. In reality, their video has 100 views and they are, by all accounts, nobodies. Yet Annie and Mark cling to the hope that the world cares about them – that they matter. They believe they have the power to kill someone with their comedy. In the end, they make an apology video and earnestly hope it gets more views. The Comics is a dark comedy about the naive self importance of online culture and the myopic narcissism of performers.

Director: Karen Knox
Producers: Spencer Hahn, Stephen Raglow, Veronika Gribanova

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The Comics