Uncharted Waters

Uncharted Waters

(2022, 24 minutes)
"Uncharted Waters" celebrates community conservation efforts in Howe Sound/ Atl’ka7tsem, near Vancouver, Canada. Historically, the Sound saw huge amounts of industrial pollution and drop offs in marine diversity. Eventually, community restoration initiatives led to impressive results and laid a foundation for future collaborative efforts. However, there are still ongoing debates regarding preservation and progress, and not all factions agree about the best way forward.

This documentary explores a new generation navigating the complex topic of holistic preservation: colonial legacy, scientific communication and ecological appreciation. While the task is never complete, the methods used can be applicable across the natural world. These young people are linked by their involvement in an innovative, community-led mapping project - the 'Howe Sound/ Atl'ka7stem Marine Reference Guide' - a digital map of the area that combines layers of scientific, artistic, industrial and social data.

Director: Molly Dennis
Creative Producer: Hannah Siden

For educational licensing (DSLs) and educational DVDs visit https://movingimages.ca/

Uncharted Waters