1 video | Rent $50
The Four Seasons
1 video | Rent $50
(2006, 10 minutes)
This simple, delightful animation for small children is an excellent discussion starter on how the seasons affect our lives. At the first signs of spring, a little creature begins to investigate the other signs of life popping up around him. Summer approaches, and he discovers...
JEFF WALL: In Order to Make a Picture
1 video | Rent $50
(2015, 44 minutes)
Slowing time down and creating obstacles to work through are central to Jeff Wall's working process. We have a rare opportunity to witness this in a film that follows the creation of two cinematically realized painterly photographs, Spring Snow and Woman with a Covered Tray. A...
2 videos | Rent $0.99
Voyage of Rediscovery
2 videos | Rent $0.99
(1990, 47 minute & 24 minute versions)
Heiltsuk Hereditary Chief Frank Brown, shares the story of his personal encounter with traditional Indigenous justice. As a juvenile offender facing a charge of armed robbery, Frank's family appealed to th... -
1 video | Rent $50
The Return
1 video | Rent $50
(2020, 20 minutes)
There is something astonishing happening in the city of Vancouver. Largely unnoticed amidst vehicle traffic, industrial sites and condo construction, wild salmon are returning to their ancient spawning grounds. Once an important salmon bearing area, this watershed became sever...
1 video | Rent $50
Unceded Chiefs
1 video | Rent $50
(2021, 58 minutes)
"Unceded Chiefs" traces the historic early activism of British Columbia First Nations Leaders who in the late 1960's unified in a battle against the Canadian government to reject Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau's proposed 1969 White Paper Policy. Director Doreen Manuel s...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Midge Ayukawa
1 video | Rent $50
"Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Midge Ayukawa"
(2008, 33 minutes)Midge Ayukawa
Born June 26, 1930Midge Ayukawa grew up in a mixed-background neighbourhood in Vancouver, BC as the only girl in a family of boys. Her father was self educated and both parents were from Hiroshima. She was sent...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: May Komiyama
1 video | Rent $50
"Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, May Komiyama"
(2008, 34 minutes)May Komiyama
Born May 19, 1922May Komiyama was born in Vancouver, BC and grew up in a non-Japanese neighbourhood of Marine Drive because of her father’s career. Her father was one of the few people who had been baptized as a ...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Alfie Kamitakahara
1 video | Rent $50
"Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Alfie Kamitakahara"
(2008, 43 minutes)Alfie Kamitakahara
Born January 29, 1929Both of Alfie Kamitakahara's parents were from a small village in Japan. Growing up in a large family in Steveston, Mr. Kamitakahara describes his childhood as a 'Huckleberry Finn...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Kazue Oye
1 video | Rent $50
"Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Kazue Oye
(2008, 30 minutes)Kazue Oye
Born November 19, 1912Kazue Oye was born in Steveston, BC in 1912. Since her family lived in a house provided by a fishing company, they did not pay taxes. To attend public school at this time a family had to pay taxes....
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Irene Tsuyuki
1 video | Rent $50
“Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Irene Tsuyuki”
(2008, 45 minutes)Irene Tsuyuki
Born December 3, 1925Irene Tsuyuki was born on Powell Street, the heart of the Japanese Canadian community, in Vancouver, BC. Her mother passed away in childbirth so relatives adopted Mrs. Tsuyuki and her broth...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Susumu Tabata
1 video | Rent $50
"Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Susumu Tabata"
(2008, 44 minutes)Susumu Tabata
Born December 9, 1925Susumu Tabata was born in Steveston, BC to a father who was an engineer on a fish packing boat. During the Depression his parents worked for eight to ten cents per hour. He remembers that a...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Shirley Omatsu
1 video | Rent $50
“Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Shirley Omatsu”
(2008, 44 minutes)Shirley Omatsu
Born August 30, 1929Shirley Omatsu was born in Vancouver, BC. In Japan, her grandfather believed the West was where the future lay and her father was encouraged to go to Canada. Mrs. Omatsu has fond memories ...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Marie Katsuno
1 video | Rent $50
"Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Marie Katsuno"
(2008, 35 minutes)Marie Katsuno
Born November 8, 1923Marie Katsuno was born the daughter of a fisherman. She grew up in East Burnaby and would often take the inter-urban tram to Powell Street, a community of which her mother was a part. Her F...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Tak Miyazaki
1 video | Rent $50
"Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Tak Miyazaki"
(2008, 35 minutes)Tak Miyazaki
Born August 1, 1929Tak Miyazaki was born at the Japanese Hospital in Steveston, BC in 1929. Although he was a fisherman’s son Mr. Miyazaki would always get sea sick while on the water and never thought he would b...
1 video | Rent $50
Ohanashi: Tom and Shig Kuwabara
1 video | Rent $50
"Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders, Tom Kuwabara and Shig Kuwabara"
(2008, 47 minutes)Tom Kuwabara Born March 29, 1922
Shig Kuwabara Born February 6, 1924These two brothers were born in Skeena River, BC to a fisherman father. Their mother died when they were very young and the boys were s...
1 video | Rent $50
c̓əsnaʔəm, the city before the city
1 video | Rent $50
c̓əsnaʔəm, the city before the city
(2017, 72 minutes)Members of the Musqueam First Nation reflect on the 24-hour, 200-day occupation in Vancouver, British Columbia to protect their 4,000-year-old ancestral village from destruction by a condo development. c̓əsnaʔəm, the city before the city com...
1 video | Rent $50
Surviving Eugenics
1 video | Rent $50
Surviving Eugenics
(2015, 44 minutes)In 1996, Leilani Muir won a landmark legal case against the Canadian province of Alberta for wrongful sterilization and confinement at the Provincial Training School in Red Deer, an institution for mental defectives. Surviving Eugenics traces the history and...
Radical Attitudes: The Architecture of Douglas...
1 video | Rent $50
Radical Attitudes: The Architecture of Douglas Cardinal
(2004, 48 minutes)Creativity is making a declaration and a commitment and being absolutely unreasonable in carrying it out. - Douglas Cardinal
Never one to build meaningless boxes designed for obsolescence, Métis architect Douglas Cardina...
1 video | Rent $50
A Question of Innocence
1 video | Rent $50
A Question of Innocence
(2014, 43 minutes)“A Question of Innocence” explores the case of Tommy Zeigler, a man who has spent decades on Florida's death row for a quadruple murder he has always maintained he did not commit. On Christmas Eve 1975, a brutal tragedy unfolded in Zeigler's family furn...
1 video | Rent $50
Daughters of Freedom
1 video | Rent $50
Daughters of Freedom
(2001, 44 minutes)The story of the special lifelong friendship of two Doukhobor women who were seized from their homes as young girls and incarcerated in British Columbia's New Denver School Dormitory.
Helen Chernoff Freeman and Kathleen Shlakoff Makortoff met under the wor... -
1 video | Rent $50
My Big Fat Diet
1 video | Rent $50
My Big Fat Diet
(2008, 42 minutes)What happens when a small town goes on a diet for a year?
Supersize Me meets Northern Exposure in “My Big Fat Diet”, a documentary about how the Namgis First Nation of Alert Bay takes up a dietary challenge and returns to a traditional style of eating for a yea... -
Sanctuary, A New Life for Research Chimps
1 video | Rent $50
Sanctuary, A New Life for Research Chimps
(2006, 46 minutes)“Sanctuary, A New Life for Research Chimps” is a powerful documentary that follows the remarkable journey of Gloria Grow, a courageous Canadian woman whose compassion and determination have created a sanctuary of hope for chimpanzees r...
A Family Tree Narrative, Assu of Cape Mudge
1 video | Rent $50
Assu of Cape Mudge
(2005, 24 minutes)The Assu family -- their name meaning "a father that's highly respected" -- descend from Chief Billy Assu, the last hereditary chief of the We Wai Kai band (Kwakwaka'wakw) in Cape Mudge, a tiny community on the southwest shore of British Columbia's Quadra Is...
A Family Tree Narrative, Dion of the Kehewin
1 video | Rent $50
Dion of the Kehewin
(2005, 24 minutes)Joe Dion, Florence Buffalo and Madeline Dion, of the Kehewin Reserve in Alberta's northeast corner, can trace their family line back to the venerable Cree chief, Big Bear. Joe talks about his visit with Queen Elizabeth II during the Alberta Centennial in 20...
A Family Tree Narrative, Dorion of Prince Alber...
1 video | Rent $50
Dorion of Prince Albert and Cumberland House
(2005, 24 minutes)Leah Dorion and her aunts Isabelle Impey and Elsie Sanderson can follow the roots of their Saskatchewan family back 10 generations, all the way to the ville du Québec in the 1600s. In the process, Leah has discovered the great mobil...
A Family Tree Narrative, Hungry Wolf of the Blo...
1 video | Rent $50
Hungry Wolf of the Blood Tribe
(2005, 24 minutes)Beverly Hungry Wolf, author of "The Ways of My Grandmothers", is a member of the Blood Tribe of the Blackfoot people. Her traditional home in southern Alberta is just under Chief Mountain on land chosen by Chief Red Crow. Beverly and her family d...
A Family Tree Narrative, Lavallee of the Piapot
1 video | Rent $50
Lavallee of the Piapot
(2005, 24 minutes)From his home on the Piapot reserve in Saskatchewan's Qu'Appelle Valley, medicine man Ray Lavallee has spent his life preserving and sharing the spiritual traditions of his Cree ancestors. He talks about his reverence for his grandfather, who could commu...
A Family Tree Narrative, Marchand of the Okanagan
1 video | Rent $50
Marchand of the Okanagan
(2005, 24 minutes)The Okanagan people are a nation running through two countries. The Marchand family came to their British Columbia home when their grandmother Mary Ann rode up from Washington State by horseback. Len Marchand, his sister Pauline Chiba, and her daughter...
1 video | Rent $50
Keepers of the Fire
1 video | Rent $50
(1994, 55 minutes)
Mohawk, Haida, Maliseet, and Ojibwe women have stepped forward as leaders in some of the most important struggles faced by First Nations people in this century. The voices of these warrior women have resonated from Oka, Quebec to the Queen Charlotte Islands, BC; Tobique, New B...
The Unofficial Trial of Alexandra Morton
1 video | Rent $50
(2017, 86 minutes)
The crash of 19 stocks of Fraser River sockeye over a 15-year period finally forced the Canadian Government to close all fishing from 2007 to 2009. It looked like Fraser River sockeye populations were going extinct. The Canadian Government, desperate for answers, or at least lo... -
Yabai: Asian North American Art Culture
1 video | Rent $50
(2009, 11 minutes)
From jazzy scratch turntablism and ear-deafening electro breakdowns to contemporary fashion and articulate androids, Yabai features four of the most influential Asian North American artists in the scene today. They include Canadian marsupial turntablist Kid Koala (aka Eric San)... -
Team Spirit: The Jordin and Terence Tootoo Story
1 video | Rent $50
(2004, 48 minutes)
Team Spirit: The Jordin and Terence Tootoo Story starts during the summer of 2002 in Rankin Inlet, a tiny arctic community in Canada's Nunavut territory. Just as the Inuit (one of the indigenous peoples of Canada's north) are realizing the dream of self-government in their own ... -
1 video | Rent $50
Fierce Girls
1 video | Rent $50
(2018, 64 minutes)
Kisik, a Cree-Métis girl in Canada and Anika, a Maori girl in Aotearoa (New Zealand) share a long-distance friendship through social media. One morning they discover their potential for superpowers that are anchored in courage and compassion, the values of their people. They s...
1 video | Rent $50
Henry's Glasses
1 video | Rent $50
(2010, 20 minutes)
This short drama is set in 1945, in internment camps for Canadians of Japanese origin. A family has been separated, the father in Ontario and his wife and three children in a camp in Tashme, British Columbia. Eleven-year-old Henry finds solace from the dreary life of internmen...
2 videos | Rent $50
The Yellow Wallpaper
2 videos | Rent $50
(2015, 5 minutes)
Peeling Back the Layers: An Animated Story of Oppression and Rebellion.
Dive into the chilling world of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's iconic short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper," with this captivating animated adaptation. This timeless tale of a woman's descent into madness, drive...
1 video | Rent $50
The Notorious Mrs. Armstrong
1 video | Rent $50
(2001, 44 minutes)
The Notorious Mrs. Armstrong follows the political career of a lesser known yet extremely important figure in Canadian history, Helen Armstrong. History has largely ignored her groundbreaking women's movement activities which helped change labour legislation in favour of femal...
1 video | Rent $50
The Klondike Viking
1 video | Rent $50
(2016, 20 minutes)
The story of Bill Hakonson is one of ambition and adventure. As a small child, Bill's family emigrated from Norway to the Canadian Prairies. Young Bill was so mistreated that he ran away from home at age 13. He risked his life riding on the top of a freight train, through a sn...
1 video | Rent $50
The Moody Brood
1 video | Rent $50
(1999, 39.5 minutes)
A documentary unlike any other, The Moody Brood explodes the myth of the idealized, normal family-a popular and pervasive post-WWII notion. The film examines issues universal to all families: the effects of community and religion, the influence of siblings, and the moral sta...
1 video | Rent $50
Pictures Don't Lie: JJ Van Bibber
1 video | Rent $50
(2016, 20 minutes)
JJ Van Bibber (1920-2012) was a prolific photographer in the Yukon. His mother was a First Nations woman from Alaska; his father, a stampeder from West Virginia who came to the Yukon looking for Gold in 1898. Pictures Don't Lie presents a beautiful montage of Van Bibber's blac...
1 video | Rent $50
Healing with Animals: Geriatric Care
1 video | Rent $50
"Geriatric Care" Healing with Animals, Episode 5
(2003, 22 minutes)Archie survives kidney failure but battles depression in a senior assisted living facility until bird companions bring him joy and purpose. Ina, a care home resident with dementia, rediscovers forgotten memories during a visit f...
Healing with Animals: Dolphin Therapy
1 video | Rent $50
"Dolphin Therapy" Healing with Animals, Episode 4
(2003, 22 minutes)Seven-year-old Jordan, who has autism, attends dolphin therapy sessions that also help reinforce his language skills while having fun. Lily, a five-year-old with autism and a mental delay, benefits from interacting with dolphin...
1 video | Rent $50
Healing with Animals: Cerebral Palsy
1 video | Rent $50
"Cerebral Palsy" Healing with Animals, Episode 3
(2003, 22 minutes)Twins Angela and Carly, both with cerebral palsy but with different needs, find specially trained dog guides suited to their lifestyles. Tyler, also with cerebral palsy and limited mobility, finds joy, exercise, and animal comp...
1 video | Rent $50
Hidden Legacies
1 video | Rent $50
(2014, 23.5 minutes)
This documentary, directed by Anishinaabe filmmaker Lisa Jackson, profiles young people whose parents and grandparents attended government-initiated, church-run, Indian Residential Schools. These intergenerational survivors include a rapper, a mother, a boxer, a social work ...
1 video | Rent $50
The Life and Work of Alex Janvier
1 video | Rent $50
(2014, 47 minutes)
For Alex Janvier, a Dene Suline from the Cold Lake First Nations Reserve in Alberta, painting has always been a way to tell a story and his art reflects the incredible changes that have taken place to Indigenous people in Canada during his lifetime.
Alex Janvier has long been...
SAMAQAN: Mount Polley: Breach or Catastrophe
1 video | Rent $50
“Mount Polley: Breach or Catastrophe” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 50
On August 4, 2014, ironically known as British Columbia Day, the Imperial Mines tailings pond dam in the north central British Columbia collapsed releasing 10 million gallons of toxic chemicals into a pristine wilderness. For thre...
1 video | Rent $50
The Comics
1 video | Rent $50
(2023, 13 minutes)
Annie and Mark made a joke they've come to regret. Thinking they've gone viral and are about to have their lives ruined, they do what any sane idiot would do – run off to a motel, hire a lawyer, and, in their distress, turn on each other. In reality, their video has 100 views a... -
1 video | Rent $50
1 video | Rent $50
(2022, 15 minutes)
It's hard being hard.A.T.A.C.K. is an incisive short film that delves into the frustrations of typecasting in the acting industry. The narrative centers around a group of male actors who form a support group called Actors Typecast As Crooks and Killers (A.T.A.C.K.), where th...
12 videos | Rent $300
Ravens and Eagles: Haida Art (Series 1)
12 videos | Rent $300
Rental Period - 90 Days
(2002, 13 x 24 minutes)
Shot on British Columbia's rugged northwest coast, Ravens and Eagles: Haida Art delves into the roots of traditional Haida art and traces the genesis of today's generation of Haida carvers, singers, dancers, weavers and performers. Over two series, ... -
10 videos | Rent $300
Ravens and Eagles: Haida Art (Series 2)
10 videos | Rent $300
Rental Period - 90 Days
(2003, 11 x 24 minutes)
Shot on British Columbia's rugged north coast, this second series of Ravens and Eagles: Haida Art continues its exploration into the roots of traditional Haida art, all from the inside perspective of a member of the Haida community, writer, producer... -
1 video | Rent $50
A Second Skin
1 video | Rent $50
(2014, 10 minutes)
Christin Milloy was the first transgendered person to run for office in the Ontario Provincial government in 2011. Although she was not elected, she continues to work tirelessly for the rights of transgender people in Canada. The Ontario Human Rights code was recently amended t... -
Cuba…qué linda es Cuba? Confessions of a ...
6 videos | Rent $50
Cuba…qué linda es Cuba? Confessions of a Fearless Cuban
(2021, 27 minutes)
An anthology of short works written and directed by Hebert Poll Gutiérrez, each short film is a poignant exploration of Cuba beyond its stereotypical imagery of salsa music and palm trees. Through theatre, storytelling, an... -
1 video | Rent $50
Emi Laará, Little Stories to Dream
1 video | Rent $50
(2022, 30 minutes)
English with Spanish subtitles.In a magical world where ancient gods of Santeria roam, mischief and adventure await! Embark on a journey filled with spells, mythical creatures, and the wonders of nature. Along the way, valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and the impor...
1 video | Rent $50
1 video | Rent $50
(2006, 32 minutes)
OWNING the SLAVE introduces Andrew Stringfellow, a Comox Valley local who moved to Canada, leaving behind the United States and the rich African-American culture of the rural south where he was raised. Thirty years later, the only black man in a white town, Andrew offers a fra...
1 video | Rent $50
Flat Rocks
1 video | Rent $50
Flat Rocks
(2017, 10 minutes)"Flat Rocks" weaves together breathtaking present-day footage of Kahnawake with archival photos dating back over 80 years revealing the community's way of life threatened by the St. Lawrence Seaway. A poetic narration in the Kanien’kéha (Mohawk) language voices the ...
2 videos | Rent $50
Little Sister's vs. Big Brother
2 videos | Rent $50
(2002, 47 minutes or 71 minutes)
This documentary, filmed over a 10-year period, centers on the debate over censorship as it follows Vancouver's Little Sister's Bookstore and its 20-year struggle with Canada Customs over the seizure of books. In the face of bigotry, bombings and repeated book se...
1 video | Rent $50
Haiti Betrayed
1 video | Rent $50
To watch for $10 USD during May use promo code: 825HB
(2020, 81 minutes)
Haiti Betrayed reveals how Canada colluded with the US and France to overturn the elected Haitian government in 2004. Bringing an end to a decade of democracy and progressive reforms.We never had that democracy. It's like...
1 video | Rent $50
Haïti Trahie
1 video | Rent $50
To watch for $10 USD during May use promo code: 825HT
(2020, 81 minutes)
Haïti trahi révèle comment le Canada a comploté avec les États-Unis et la France pour renverser le gouvernement haïtien élu en 2004. Mettant fin à une décennie de démocratie et de réformes progressistes.Nous n'avons jamai...
1 video | Rent $50
One Big Hapa Family
1 video | Rent $50
(2010, 85 minutes)
Preconceptions about racial purity are under the microscope in this fast-paced, heart-warming documentary by Jeff Chiba Stearns, who has a heritage that is half-Japanese, half-European. The spark for this film was ignited at a Koga family reunion in Kelowna, British Columbia. L... -
Healing with Animals: Quality of Life
1 video | Rent $50
"Quality of Life" Healing with Animals, Episode 13
(2003, 22 minutes)
Priscilla, experiencing seizures, finds relief and support after adopting a pig, Nelly, who becomes a performance star. Mary, battling Huntington's disease and wheelchair-bound, rediscovers joy through horse riding, despite h...
1 video | Rent $50
Healing with Animals: Troubled Youth
1 video | Rent $50
"Troubled Youth" Healing with Animals, Episode 12
(2003, 22 minutes)Katie, a 14-year-old dealing with diabetes and psychiatric issues, finds renewed purpose and wellness through caring for and riding horses, transforming her outlook on life. Lloyd runs a horse rescue program involving youth vol...
1 video | Rent $50
Healing with Animals: Blindness
1 video | Rent $50
"Blindness" Healing with Animals, Episode 11
(2003, 22 minutes)Bill, visually impaired with dog allergies, overcomes challenges by acquiring a guide poodle, a unique choice that suits his needs. Sam, also visually impaired, defies limitations as a competitive horse rider.
Director: Mark Fuller...
Healing with Animals: Equine Assisted Therapy
1 video | Rent $50
"Equine Assisted Therapy" Healing with Animals, Episode 10
(2003, 22 minutes)Linda leads emotional personal growth workshops involving horses, as they can identify emotional honesty, fostering openness and compassion. Sue facilitates equine counselling, helping clients like Kim work on confiden...
1 video | Rent $50
Healing with Animals: Seizure Dogs
1 video | Rent $50
"Seizure Dogs" Healing with Animals, Episode 9
(2003, 22 minutes)Kelly, battling epilepsy, benefits from Abbey the poodle, who can identify seizures before they occur, providing early warnings and increasing Kelly's confidence. Lisa, dealing with MS and epilepsy, also relies on Java the black l...
Healing with Animals: Pain Management
1 video | Rent $50
"Pain Management" Healing with Animals, Episode 8
(2003, 22 minutes)Al, a cancer survivor, finds solace and relief from pain by spending time with his cat, Precious. Barbra, a burn survivor, rehabilitates Sweetheart the dog, who later becomes a therapy dog for other burn victims, offering them ...
1 video | Rent $50
Healing with Animals: Autism
1 video | Rent $50
"Autism" Healing with Animals, Episode 7
(2003, 22 minutes)Logan, displaying autistic symptoms, improves through horse training. Sisters Kimberly, who is autistic, and Crystal, who is visually impaired, train, care for, and compete with llamas, showcasing their remarkable capabilities.
Healing with Animals: Palliative Care
1 video | Rent $50
"Palliative Care" Healing with Animals, Episode 6
(2003, 22 minutes)Tika, a paraplegic poodle in a wheelchair, visits patients in palliative care, bringing them hope and inspiration with her joyful and determined spirit. Children in a hospice facility enjoy therapy dog visits, although some pre...
Healing with Animals: Adult Offenders
1 video | Rent $50
"Adult Offenders" Healing with Animals, Episode 2
(2003, 22 minutes)A recovering heroin addict becomes a dog groomer. Her therapeutic time spent with dogs in prison led her to discover her calling. The penitentiary's dog rehabilitation program, facilitated by Sister Pauline Quinn, an ex-offend...
1 video | Rent $50
Healing with Animals: Down Syndrome
1 video | Rent $50
"Down Syndrome " Healing with Animals, Episode 1
(2003, 22 minutes)Sarah, a young girl with Down syndrome, participates in guided animal therapy by riding a horse named Crackers. Matthew, an 18-year-old boy with Down syndrome, has grown up with dogs. His mother fosters many dogs as they search...
1 video | Rent $50
Beyond Invention: New Energy
1 video | Rent $50
“New Energy” Beyond Invention
(2003, 48 minutes)Explore groundbreaking developments in energy on this episode, featuring John Hutchison showcasing the "Hutchison Effect" and Colonel John B. Alexander investigating psychokinetic phenomena. Witness innovative approaches such as the zero-point ba...
1 video | Rent $50
Beyond Invention: Gadgets
1 video | Rent $50
“Gadgets” Beyond Invention
(2003, 48 minutes)In this episode, dive into a world of innovative gadgets with toymaker Brian Walker, whose creations range from laser lights to toy bazookas, alongside his audacious attempt to construct a spaceship. Explore the ingenuity of Mike Wescombe-Down, inve...
1 video | Rent $50
Beyond Invention: Cryptozoology
1 video | Rent $50
“Cryptozoology” Beyond Invention
(2003, 48 minutes)Embark on an adventure with Rick Noll as he relentlessly pursues Bigfoot, piecing together clues, including a significant imprint in the mud. Join artist Jason Walton and scientist Dr. Paul LeBlond on their quest to track a legendary 60-foot s...
Beyond Invention: Crazy Flying Machines
1 video | Rent $50
“Crazy Flying Machines” Beyond Invention
(2003, 48 minutes)Join inventors on an exhilarating journey into the world of flying machines, including personal hovercraft, futuristic flying cars, and innovations in space travel. Witness Steve Bennett’s pursuit of a ten million dollar prize with the...
1 video | Rent $50
Beyond Invention: Cloning
1 video | Rent $50
“Cloning” Beyond Invention
(2003, 48 minutes)In the exploration of cloning we learn about Dr. Robert Lanza's mission to revive endangered species. In partnership with Raëlism, a UFO cult, Brigitte Boisselier's has claimed to have successfully produced the first human clone in efforts to actual...
Beyond Invention: Artificial Intelligence
1 video | Rent $50
"Artificial Intelligence" Beyond Invention
(2003, 48 minutes)Step into the world of artificial intelligence as Dr. Barry Spletzer constructs flying robots in his New Mexico lab. Cyber pioneer Dr. Demetri Terzopoulos develops life within computers, and electronics engineer Robert Michelson intro...
Beyond Invention: Animal Inspired Innovations
1 video | Rent $50
“Animal Inspired Innovations” Beyond Invention
(2003, 48 minutes)In this episode, journey into the realm of animal-inspired innovations with Dr. Jeffrey Turner, a geneticist who merges spiders with goats to create bullet-stopping silk. Explore the visionary aspirations of biologist Dr. Kellar ...
1 video | Rent $50
Finding Fred Lee 1.0
1 video | Rent $50
(2023, 27 minutes)
Jack Gin was astonished to learn that a Chinese Canadian kid named Fred Lee volunteered for Canada during the First World War. Finding Fred Lee 1.0 is told through Gin's eyes as he journeys to Lee's hometown of Kamloops, BC to uncover traces of this forgotten son.Frederick Le...
1 video | Rent $50
(2021, 2 minutes)
This short film showcasing the traditional Filipino way of eating juxtaposed to western-style dining with utensils. The differences in etiquette reflect broader cultural norms and values. Western-style dining emphasizes formality, individualism, cleanliness and orderliness, whil... -
1 video | Rent $50
Uncharted Waters
1 video | Rent $50
(2022, 24 minutes)
"Uncharted Waters" celebrates community conservation efforts in Howe Sound/ Atl’ka7tsem, near Vancouver, Canada. Historically, the Sound saw huge amounts of industrial pollution and drop offs in marine diversity. Eventually, community restoration initiatives led to impressive ... -
1 video | Rent $50
Not A Game
1 video | Rent $50
(2007, 11 minutes)
"Not a Game" lays out the harsh reality of crystal meth, the most addictive drug used by kids today. This documentary targets elementary and intermediate students and up. It is designed as a warning that this drug is not a game and emphasizes the danger of using it even once....
1 video | Rent $50
Once Were Enemies
1 video | Rent $50
(2013, 55 minutes)
Survivors from the opposite sides of the Second World War revisit the site of a pitched battle fought in September 1944 at Peleliu, east of the Philippines and north of New Guinea. As Americans approached from the sea, Japanese soldiers lay in wait in caves and the jungle makin... -
1 video | Rent $50
Gender Blender
1 video | Rent $50
(2012, 26 minutes)
In this youth-driven documentary, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students at a high school in the town of Hope, British Columbia explore issues they face at their high school. The film project created a dialogue among students and the community as a step toward elimina... -
1 video | Rent $50
The Spirit of Port Moody
1 video | Rent $50
(2021, 63 minutes)
When we first meet Dr. Mary Anne Cooper she is 104 and her hometown of Port Moody, BC is the same age. The Spirit of Port Moody tells the city’s story in tandem with a recounting of Mary Anne’s eventful life. This thoughtfully crafted documentary follows Port Moody as it grows ... -
1 video | Rent $50
Edna's Bloodline
1 video | Rent $50
(2017, 59 minutes)
Edna Elias, the former Commissioner of Nunavut Canada, received an email from Fredrik Norberg, a distant relative in Sweden. He wanted to learn more about Petter Norberg, Edna's great grandfather who had left Sweden in the late 1800's and then settled in Canada's far North. Aft... -
1 video | Rent $50
Canyon War: The Untold Story
1 video | Rent $50
(2009, 46 minutes)
Canyon War covers the tumultuous events of 1858 in British Columbia-events which led to a little-known war that could have escalated, had it not been for the persuasive diplomacy of Chief Spintlum of the Nlaka'pamux First Nation. 2008 marked the 150th anniversary of the Fraser ... -
1 video | Rent $50
aftermeth: a family story
1 video | Rent $50
(2012, 51 minutes)
aftermeth: a family story follows the roller coaster ride of one family as it battles with drug addiction and codependency. The family is one of three featured in the 2005 documentary Crystal Fear, Crystal Clear. At that time, Michelle, a registered nurse, and her three childre... -
Cry Rock
1 video | Rent $50
(2010, 29 minutes)
Less than fifteen Nuxalk language speakers and storytellers remain in Bella Coola, British Columbia. One of these elders is the filmmaker’s 80 year-old grandmother. In a technologically obsessed century, it would seem easier to record Nuxalk stories for future generations, but ... -
1 video | Rent $50
SuperKids 2
1 video | Rent $50
(2019, 93 minutes)
In 2004, a small group of elementary students were identified as gifted, and the filmmakers documented their search for the right high school. Ten years later, those filmmakers went back to find them and ask … “Are they still gifted?”
SUPERKIDS 2 is a feature-length document... -
C'est Moi
1 video | Rent $50
(2016, 8 minutes)
On June 17th 1734, Marie Josèphe-Angélique, a black slave was tried, tortured and executed for allegedly burning down the city of Montréal. Some say she was a scapegoat and racially discriminated for a crime she did not commit; while others hold her up as a symbol of rebellion a... -
1 video | Rent $50
Fractured Land
1 video | Rent $50
(2015, 75 minutes)
"Deep down we're all fractured", an oil and gas representative tells young Aboriginal leader and lawyer Caleb Behn. Behn knows that feeling all too well, as he struggles with the role he'll play in protecting his traditional territory under Treaty 8 in northern British Columbia... -
1 video | Rent $50
Lii Michif Niiyanaan: We are Métis
1 video | Rent $50
(2023, 60 minutes)
The Métis are often referred to as Canada’s “invisible people” – the “ghosts of the land” – whose stories haunt the country’s collective unconscious. Lii Michif Niiyanaan: We Are Métis is a one-hour documentary that addresses this invisibility by shining a new light on the hi...
1 video | Rent $50
The Ice Walk
1 video | Rent $50
(2021, 76 minutes)
The Ice Walk exposes the little told story of the treacherous journey that the Mi’kmaq people had to take across the ice from mainland Prince Edward Island, Canada to Lennox Island First Nation reserve where they had been forced to settle. It wasn’t until the 1970’s that a brid... -
1 video | Rent $50
(2014, 14 minutes)
Bihttoš is an unconventional documentary that explores the complex relationship between a father and daughter. Through animation, re-enactments and family photos, Writer/Director Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers delves into the dissolution of her parents' mythic love story and how past ... -
1 video | Rent $50
Bridging the Gap
1 video | Rent $50
(2023, 24 minutes)
The current unsettled global political climate around immigration has resulted in an unprecedented number of newcomers seeking asylum, with nearly half of these newcomers being school-aged children. Host countries have become responsible for providing educational programming, a... -
1 video | Rent $50
Crystal Fear, Crystal Clear
1 video | Rent $50
(2005, 45 minutes)
Crystal meth has become the drug of choice with teenagers in small towns across North America. It's cheap and easy to get, but also highly addictive and can cause permanent brain damage. Working in her home community of Hope, British Columbia, filmmaker Eva Wunderman documents...
1 video | Rent $50
Where Strangers Become Neighbours
1 video | Rent $50
(2007, 50 minutes)
Migration is one of the greatest forces (re)shaping cities in the 21st century. This is a story of two decades of transformation in one neighbourhood in Vancouver, Canada, where hostility and fear were replaced by an intercultural community; where people of all backgrounds cont... -
1 video | Rent $50
(1978, 3 minutes)
Strolling with his master through a constantly shifting landscape of corridors and stairs, a beret capped canine discusses life, philosophy and his master.Director: Shelley McIntosh
Producer: Shelley McIntoshFor educational licensing (DSLs) and educational DVDs visit https:/...
1 video | Rent $50
Dream Geometry
1 video | Rent $50
(1996, 4.5 minutes)
How is proof constructed and just what exactly is it anyway? With quirky characters who exhort, muse and deliberate, animator Shelley McIntosh takes a whimsical look at the search for proof. Intuition and rationality are explored in this entertaining film which encourages the ... -
Mixed Up
1 video | Rent $50
(2020, 76 minutes)
Part testimonial/part confessional. What are the lines between the facts of who I am and the fiction of what I can become? Mixed↑ is a reclaimed book of genesis: a manifesto that collides the wildly diverse elements of being queer, mixed and different in a world socialized arou... -
1 video | Rent $50
Emergence: Out of the Shadows
1 video | Rent $50
(2021, 80 minutes)
For Kayden, Jag, and Amar, awakening to and expressing their sexuality within conservative South Asian families was a lonely and terrifying experience. Denial, shame and despair haunted their youths, even threatening their lives. Yet, they’ve emerged. In the gripping feature do... -
1 video | Rent $50
The World Is Bright
1 video | Rent $50
(2019, 116 minutes)
When an only child dies mysteriously abroad, his parents leave Beijing to find out why. Answers don't come easily in a 10-year journey that exposes flawed immigration policies, a systemic stigma of mental illness, and a Kafkaesque state bureaucracy at the heart of global migra... -
3 videos | Rent $50
Finding Our Way
3 videos | Rent $50
(2010, 90 minutes)
Three 30-minute films, made in partnership with two First Nations bands in north central British Columbia --Ts'il Kaz Koh First Nation (Burns Lake Band) and Cheslatta Carrier Nation--describe conflict over land and sovereignty and ask if there is a way forward.This is a story...
1 video | Rent $50
In the Footsteps of Michelangelo
1 video | Rent $50
(2006, 55 minutes)
Westminster Abbey is a Benedictine monastery east of Vancouver. Like many monasteries, its walls are adorned with religious art. Reproductions of Fra Lippa, Piero della Francesca and other Renaissance artists are prominently displayed. But there's something different about this... -
Paris Stories: The Writing of Mavis Gallant
1 video | Rent $50
(2006, 48 minutes)
This documentary explores the force of fiction of the Paris-based short story master, Mavis Gallant, considered by both critics and her literary peers to be one of the most "talented women writing in the English language." Many of her works were published in the New Yorker maga... -
1 video | Rent $50
(2019, 11 minutes)
This stunning otherworldly short film takes a deep dive into lichen, a species that confounds scientists to this day. Shot in macro 3D, Lichen offers us a look at this remarkable life form and asks what we might learn from it. Ancient and diverse, both an individual and a commu... -
1 video | Rent $50
How A People Live
1 video | Rent $50
(2013, 59 minutes)
The Gwa'sala and the 'Nakwaxda'xw First Nations people lived as two distinct groups along Canada's northwest coast. In 1964, for ease of administration, the Canadian Government forcibly relocated them from their traditional territories along Queen Charlotte Strait--Smith Inlet,... -
ƛaʔuukʷiatḥ Tla-o-qui-aht Dugout Canoe
1 video | Rent $50
(2021, 10 minutes)
At the end of the road at a carving shed at načiqs (Nachaks: which means “look out over the ocean”) master carver Joe Martin carves through the layers of a 500 year old red cedar tree. Paddling past the village where Joe grew up, Joe reflects on the knowledge and wealth of his ... -
1 video | Rent $50
The Least We Can Do
1 video | Rent $50
(2020, 52 minutes)
The Least We Can Do tells the story of Canada's response to the Yazidi genocide, the decision to bring Yazidi women and girl survivors to Canada as refugees, and the failure to provide them with promised trauma care.On August 3, 2014, ISIS extremists began a campaign of genoc...
1 video | Rent $50
1 video | Rent $50
(2019, 13 minutes)
SOLASTALGIA is a lyrical film that explores the anguish that climate change and a global state of uncertainty can impart upon the human psyche.Ava, a mother of two young children, is bombarded throughout her day with news of global disasters. Over the airwaves, on the interne...
1 video | Rent $50
Rocky and Joan
1 video | Rent $50
(2021, 27 minutes)
This films explores an unknown part of the Canadian history. It takes place in Nova Scotia, where a man and a woman of African descent, Rocky and Joan Jones, started the Civil Rights Movement and the Black United Front. They were the Black Panthers of Nova Scotia fighting again... -
1 video | Rent $50
1 video | Rent $50
Use promo code: GM2024 to watch for $5 USD during May.
(2021, 13 minutes)
Grandmothers explores the worlds of three women who have reached a formidable age. It gently seeks universal wisdom through their specific tales of hardship and humour. In response to these stories, three young artists (a ... -
1 video | Rent $50
All Our Father's Relations
1 video | Rent $50
(2016, 56 minutes)
All Our Father's Relations tells the story of the Grant siblings who journey from Vancouver to China in an attempt to rediscover their father's roots and better understand his fractured relationship with their Musqueam mother. Raised primarily in the traditions of the Musqueam ... -
1 video | Rent $50
HOLODOMOR - Voices of Survivors
1 video | Rent $50
(2015, 30 minutes)
Twenty-five Ukrainian Canadians tell their stories of survival during the Holodomor--death inflicted by starvation--a genocide of Ukrainian people engineered by Joseph Stalin during 1932 and 1933. Stalin was determined to suppress Ukrainian nationhood once and for all through t... -
Lida Moser Photographer: Odyssey in Black and ...
1 video | Rent $50
(2017, 26 minutes)
Lida Moser (1920-2014), a New York photographer on assignment for Vogue magazine, travelled throughout Québec in 1950 in the company of Paul Gouin (Cultural Advisor to the Premier) and ethnologist Luc Lacoursière. It was a road trip that she never forgot. Moser created over 1,0... -
Lost Years: How Canada extracts the lives of ...
1 video | Rent $50
(2020, 9 minutes)
Lost Years: How Canada extracts the lives of migrant farm workers looks into the conditions of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Workers program through personal accounts of Mexican migrant farm workers in British Columbia.Directors: Jesse Hart, Gabriel Olivella
Producer: Fuerza Mi... -
1 video | Rent $50
Glowing in the Dark
1 video | Rent $50
To watch for $10 USD during May use promo code: 825GITD
(1997, 48 minutes)
Glowing in the Dark captures the energy and vitality of neon--one of the oldest and most effective forms of advertising. Neon was first patented in 1923 by George Claude, a Parisian who sold over 9 million dollars in terr... -
Near to Nature's Heart: Women of Waskesiu
1 video | Rent $50
(2001, 51 minutes)
Near to Nature's Heart: Women of Waskesiu explores the diverse lives of eight First Nations, Métis and Euro-Canadian women who made their homes in Prince Albert National Park. Elder Agnes Dreaver guided her family to create an alcohol and drug-free traditional community. Victor... -
SAMAQAN: Mother Frackers: The Uprising, Part 2
1 video | Rent $50
“Mother Frackers: The Uprising, Part 2” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 52 (2015, 22 minutes)
Human hunger for energy is insatiable and the exploration for shale gas is causing up a stir among environmentally aware social groups. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing is the process of extracting shale gas ...
SAMAQAN: Mother Frackers: The Uprising, Part 1
1 video | Rent $50
“Mother Frackers: The Uprising, Part 1” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 51 (2015, 22 minutes)
Human hunger for energy is insatiable and the exploration for shale gas is causing up a stir among environmentally aware social groups. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing is the process of extracting shale gas ...
SAMAQAN: Gulf Shrimp: 4 Years and Counting
1 video | Rent $50
“Gulf Shrimp: 4 Years and Counting” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 49
The beauty of a documentary series is that you can assess the impact of occurrences over a period of time. The effects of natural disasters in oceanic waters can be deadly for natural habitat and such was the case in the infamous oi...
SAMAQAN: The Elwha River: Taking Down the Dams
1 video | Rent $50
“The Elwha River: Taking Down the Dams” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 48
The removal of the Glines Canyon Dam and the Elwha Dam, a smaller downstream dam, began in late 2011. Three years later, salmon are migrating past the former dam sites, trees and shrubs are sprouting in the drained reservoir bed...
SAMAQAN: Herring Roe: Dead or Alive, Part 2
1 video | Rent $50
“Herring Roe: Dead or Alive, Part 2” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 47
The First Nations people of the west coast of British Columbia have been fishing pacific herring for centuries. Is this fishery dying out like other forms of fishery? We visit the community of Bella Bella where in 1996 the First Na...
SAMAQAN: Herring Roe: Dead or Alive, Part 1
1 video | Rent $50
“Herring Roe: Dead or Alive, Part 1” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 46
The First Nations people of the west coast of British Columbia have been fishing pacific herring for centuries. Is this fishery dying out like other forms of fishery? In the community of Bella Bella, the First Nations right to harv...
SAMAQAN: Edible Seaweeds: What the fucus?
1 video | Rent $50
“Edible Seaweeds: What the fucus?” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 45
In 2002 Dr. Dolly Garza, a professor at the University of Alaska, took early retirement and went to live on Haida Gwaii. Originally Haida from Alaska, she married a future hereditary chief of the Haida nation. Dolly continues the val...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: The Sustainable Harvest
1 video | Rent $50
“The Sustainable Harvest” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 44
Salmon, halibut, lingcod, rockfishes, clams, abalone, urchins, prawn, crabs, shrimps, scallops, octopus, mussel, barnacles, seaweed and sea asparagus. These are some of the fish, shellfish, microalgae and marine plants that form aspects of a ...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Water Is Taonga: Aotearoa
1 video | Rent $50
“Water Is Taonga: Aotearoa?” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 43
This fourth part of “Water Is Taonga”, visits the University of Waikato to learn more about terms used in the Treaty of Waitangi as they pertain to Maori Water rights. From north to south there are 107 hot pools used both for recreational ...
SAMAQAN: Water Is Taonga: Kaitiaki, Part 2
1 video | Rent $50
“Water Is Taonga: Kaitiaki, Part 2?” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 42
Other explorations at restoring river systems can be found in the question: how do people mitigate the damage caused by dams and de-forestation? A large question to be sure, but some insight can be gained by watching what Kaitiaki'...
SAMAQAN: Water Is Taonga: Kaitiaki, Part 1
1 video | Rent $50
“Water Is Taonga: Kaitiaki, Part 1?” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 41
This second program of “Water Is Taonga” illustrates the depth of belief in water as a precious cultural treasure (taonga). As guardians (kaitiaki) of a waterway in Hawks Bay, the McGuire family, members of the Pahutiki Marae, stru...
SAMAQAN: Water Is Taonga: Water As Taonga?
1 video | Rent $50
“Water Is Taonga: Water As Taonga?” SAMAQAN Season 4 Episode 40
Marianne Jones and Jeff Bear travel from Canada's west coast to New Zealand where they meet with Maori leaders. The Maori explain the sacred relationship they have with water. Their migration to New Zealand in the 13th century preda...
SAMAQAN: Drinking from my Mother's Well (Woolasto…
1 video | Rent $50
“Drinking from my Mother's Well (Woolastook)” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 39
In English and Maliseet with English subtitles, Maliseet storyteller Jeff Bear returns to his traditional territory at Negootkoog, which is situated at the confluence of the Woolastook and Tobique Rivers. The Woolastook is...
SAMAQAN: Every Year the Salmon Come Back
1 video | Rent $50
“Every Year the Salmon Come Back” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 38
Salmon were one of the most prolific species of fish in the ocean, common in all waters surrounding North America and as far south as New Zealand. Stocks have declined on the west coast and in Atlantic Canada, wild salmon are no longe...
SAMAQAN: Tribal Journey, Part 6: Landings and P...
1 video | Rent $50
“Tribal Journey, Part 6: Landings and Protocol” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 37
Three years' planning for the 2012 Tribal Journey brought 97 canoes to land at Squaxin on July 29th. A delegate from each of the canoes, some of them very young, introduced their canoe family in both English and their tr...
SAMAQAN: Tribal Journey, Part 5: The Village We...
1 video | Rent $50
“Tribal Journey, Part 5: The Village Welcome” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 36
After a day's paddling, canoe families need to come ashore to rest and rejuvenate. “The Village Welcome” shows welcoming ceremonies at several landings. For the 14 canoes that left Beecher Bay on southern Vancouver Island ...
SAMAQAN: Tribal Journey, Part 4: Maori Waka, Du...
1 video | Rent $50
“Tribal Journey, Part 4: Maori Waka, Dugout Canoe and Birch Bark” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 35
The 2012 Tribal Journey brought together the continents and some of the best canoe builders in the world. The west coast paddlers welcomed an eastern Woodlands birch bark canoe and Anishinaabe paddlers ...
SAMAQAN: Tribal Journey, Part 3: Kwumut Lelum
1 video | Rent $50
“Tribal Journey, Part 3: Kwumut Lelum” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 34
What began with the Heiltsuk First Nation's building of a canoe, the first in over 150 years, and paddling it to Vancouver for EXPO '86 has become a movement reviving the ocean-going canoe tradition on the West Coast. In 1993, th...
SAMAQAN: Tribal Journey, Part 2: Nala Winds
1 video | Rent $50
“Tribal Journey, Part 2: Nala Winds” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 33
What began with the Heiltsuk First Nation's building of a canoe, the first in over 150 years, and paddling it to Vancouver for EXPO '86 has become a movement reviving the ocean-going canoe tradition on the West Coast. In 1993, the ...
SAMAQAN: Tribal Journey, Part 1: Paddle to Squaxin
1 video | Rent $50
“Tribal Journey, Part 1: Paddle to Squaxin” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 32
What began with the Heiltsuk First Nation's building of a canoe, the first in over 150 years, and paddling it to Vancouver for EXPO '86 has become a movement reviving the ocean-going canoe tradition on the West Coast. In 199...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Kahnawake Waters, Part 2
1 video | Rent $50
“Kahnawake Waters, Part 2” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 31
The Kahnawake Mohawk Territory runs along the south shore of the St. Lawrence River in Québec, across from Montréal. It is here, along the river, that Mohawk people have lived for centuries. In the traditional language of the Mohawks, the wo...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Kahnawake Waters, Part 1
1 video | Rent $50
“Kahnawake Waters, Part 1” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 30
The Kahnawake Mohawk Territory runs along the south shore of the St. Lawrence River in Québec, across from Montréal. It is here, along the river, that Mohawk people have lived for centuries. This is the first of two programs on the Kahnawake...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Kitigan Zibi Waters
1 video | Rent $50
“Kitigan Zibi Waters” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 29
Kitigan Zibi, formerly known as Maniwaki, Québec is at the confluence of the Gatineau and Ottawa Rivers. Surrounded by rivers and lakes, it's the traditional territory of the Anishinabeg and Algonquin people. And it's here that residents face cha...
SAMAQAN: Without Running Water Part 2
1 video | Rent $50
“Without Running Water Part 2” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 28
First Nations residents in the Island Lake region of east central Manitoba long for a clean supply of running water and sanitation that most Canadians take for granted. They discuss the huge efforts that life without running water create...
SAMAQAN: Without Running Water Part 1
1 video | Rent $50
“Without Running Water Part 1” SAMAQAN Season 3 Episode 27
Running water is taken for granted in Canada, yet Oji-Cree people in over 1400 homes 600 km north of Winnipeg live without it. Situated on Island Lake, the sixth largest lake in Manitoba, the absence of running water denies them fire pro...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Ooligan
1 video | Rent $50
“Ooligan” SAMAQAN Season 2 Episode 21
In British Columbia, water has always provided an essential source of food for Indigenous people. “Ooligan” is a tiny fish also known as eulachon or candlefish. A traditional and staple source of food for Northwest Coast First Nations, this tiny fish is now ...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Wild Rice
1 video | Rent $50
“Wild Rice” SAMAQAN Season 2 Episode 20
Water occupies a central role in culture and spirituality. For some Indigenous people in northern Saskatchewan, it also plays a central role in their economy. In the 1920's, wild rice was brought to the northern plains of Saskatchewan. Indigenous people we...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: The Gulf Story, Part 3
1 video | Rent $50
“The Gulf Story, Part 3” SAMAQAN Season 2 Episode 19
We visit the Houma First Nation in Louisiana and the city of New Orleans where a chef comments on the impact the oil continues to have on seafood, a traditional staple for people in the area. The people in the bayous of Louisiana are a unique ...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: The Gulf Story, Part 2
1 video | Rent $50
“The Gulf Story, Part 2” SAMAQAN Season 2 Episode 18
Derek Billiot is a Houma Native American and self-described swamp man who grew up on these waters and knows them like the back of his hand. During the first few days of the BP oil disaster in April 2010, he stood by, listened and watched daily...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: The Gulf Story, Part 1
1 video | Rent $50
“The Gulf Story, Part 1” SAMAQAN: Water Stories, Season 2 Episode 17
A look at what happened on that day of April 20, 2010 with the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. How did it affect the fishing industry and who has suffered the most? This in-depth view of the oil spill's impact on Native ...
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SAMAQAN: Letter from Athabasca
1 video | Rent $50
“Letter from Athabasca” SAMAQAN Season 2 Episode 16
A visit to Fort McKay illustrates the astonishing effects from exploitation of one of the biggest deposits of oil in the world, the Tar Sands of northern Alberta. Mike and Marlene Orr of the Fort McKay First Nation explain the many changes: the...
SAMAQAN: Khalalesla: The Wake of the Tankers
1 video | Rent $50
“Khalalesla: The Wake of the Tankers” SAMAQAN Season 2 Episode 15
The GitGa'at people of Old Town have carefully managed the riches of shellfish in Hartley Bay. The possibility of 500 passes per day from super tankers through these narrow passages poses a huge risk to these resources. It would a...
SAMAQAN: Khalalesla: Ground Zero in the Battle…
1 video | Rent $50
“Khalalesla: Ground Zero in the Battle Against Enbridge Northern Gateway” SAMAQAN Season 2 Episode 14
A visit to the villages of Old Town Kitimaat and Q'ell introduces a Band of Tsimshian First Nations people who are fighting an active campaign against the Enbridge Northern Gateway project. Art ...
SAMAQAN: Tetzan Biny: The Disappearance of Fish...
2 videos | Rent $50
“Tetzan Biny: The Disappearance of Fish Lake, Parts 1 & 2” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 12 & 13
“Tetzan Biny: The Disappearance of Fish Lake (Part 1)” visits one of the last great water systems of the Chilcotin plateau, now threatened by gold and copper mining operations that will destroy the fish p...
2 videos | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Fraser River, Parts 1 & 2
2 videos | Rent $50
“Fraser River, Parts 1 & 2” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 10 & 11
“Fraser River” (Part 1) travels down the longest river in British Columbia, a river that has become a major economic corridor and is shared by a half dozen First Nations. Sto:Lo Chiefs and a Musqueam Elder share their special relations...
SAMAQAN: Sacred Head Waters: Loveman Nole
1 video | Rent $50
“Sacred Head Waters: Loveman Nole” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 9
“Sacred Head Waters: Loveman Nole” visits a vast territory in northern British Columbia where a watershed is now threatened by an open pit mining operation. Tahltan Elder Loveman Nole passes on his knowledge of the region as a hunter,...
SAMAQAN: Posonut: The Maliseet Basket
1 video | Rent $50
“Posonut: The Maliseet Basket” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 8
“Posonut: The Maliseet Basket” visits the northern reaches of New Brunswick's Tobique River, where the Bear clan of the Maliseet people have harvested ash and made baskets for countless generations. We travel by canoe in search of the bla...
2 videos | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Akwesasne, Parts 1 & 2
2 videos | Rent $50
“Akwesasne” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 6 & 7
“Akwesasne” (Part 1) goes to the Mohawk enclave of Akwesasne, Ontario, to hear stories of survival of the industrial assault from chemical, aluminum and shipping factories that created one of the most polluted First Nations communities of the world. “A...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Haida Gwaii
1 video | Rent $50
“Haida Gwaii” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 5
“Haida Gwaii” goes to the northern archipelago on Canada's West Coast where ecology, economy, culture and traditional knowledge all hold value. Subsistence harvesters, biologists and artists talk about the strategy of marine protection and the link betwee...
SAMAQAN: Remembering Celilo Falls, Parts 1 & 2
2 videos | Rent $50
“Remembering Celilo Falls, Parts 1 & 2” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 3 & 4
“Remembering Celilo Falls” (Part 1) shows how the Dalles Dam drowned the Celilo Falls on the lower Columbia River, affecting the Nez Percé and Klickitat people and the salmon migration. “Remembering Celilo Falls” (Part 2) sho...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Akwiten
1 video | Rent $50
“Akwiten” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 2
“Akwiten” follows the rebirth of the birch bark canoe, inspired by the emergence of an ancient Maliseet canoe from a European collection. Kim and Wayne Brooks, of St Mary's First Nation in New Brunswick, are central figures here, with the launching of a repli...
1 video | Rent $50
SAMAQAN: Water Stories
1 video | Rent $50
“Water Stories” SAMAQAN Season 1 Episode 1
“Water Stories” provides an overview of the series, “SAMAQAN”, the significance of water for Indigenous people and why society takes it for granted. It introduces host Severn Cullis Suzuki, the next generation environmental storyteller.
North America's...
1 video | Rent $50
The Walk: A Path to Healing
1 video | Rent $50
“The Walk: A Path to Healing” The Hunt and The Walk: Episode 2
In 1998, Dennis Allen accompanied the Kahso Go'tine on a historic trek over a traditional walking trail. They had not set foot on the trail in over thirty years, since air transport became available. With stunning footage, stories o...
1 video | Rent $50
The Hunt: Food from the Land
1 video | Rent $50
“The Hunt: Food from the Land” The Hunt and The Walk: Episode 1
To balance the inevitable changes ahead, every autumn the entire community of 100 people move to the "barrenlands" for the traditional caribou hunt. They may use a twin engine aircraft to get there, but they still butcher and pack t...
La Voix des Mechif: Le cercle imparfait: la col...
1 video | Rent $50
“Le cercle imparfait: la colonisation” La Vois des Mechif: Episode 3
This part covers the period following the 1885 Battle at Batoche and the role of the scrips program. The Canadian Government's commissioners handing out the scrips were accompanied by speculators who preyed on the Métis people...
La Voix des Mechif: La Terre: la base de la nat...
1 video | Rent $50
“La Terre: la base de la nation Mechif” La Voix des Mechif: Episode 2
This second part focuses on the period of 1849 to 1885. The Mechif declared free trade in 1849, despite efforts of the settlers to control their pemmican trade. As settlers from Ontario increased in numbers, the Mechif were de...
La Voix des Mechif: Le drapeau: l'origine de la...
1 video | Rent $50
“Le drapeau: l'origine de la nation” La Vois des Mechif: Episode 1
The Mechif ruled the plains as successful hunters, voyageurs and traders. As European settlements grew, the settlers sought to control the Mechif and force them to trade pemmican with the Hudson's Bay Company instead of its compe...
1 video | Rent $50
80:20: Where to Next?
1 video | Rent $50
“Where to Next?” 80:20: The Developing World: Episode 5
“Where to Next?” gives a thoughtful perspective on foreign aid, pointing out that outcomes are often greater for business development in donor nations than poverty reduction in recipient countries. When informed on development issues, the p...
1 video | Rent $50
80:20: Development and Debt
1 video | Rent $50
“Development and Debt” 80:20: The Developing World: Episode 4
“Development and Debt” looks at the history of the international development assistance that began in the early 1960s and conditions attached to that aid, often benefitting those providing it more than its recipients. It examines patt...
1 video | Rent $50
80:20: The Legacy of Colonialism
1 video | Rent $50
“The Legacy of Colonialism” 80:20: The Developing World: Episode 3
“The Legacy of Colonialism” examines the role worldview played in the 500 years of colonialism that began in the 15th century, tracing historical structures contributing to the current status of many lesser-developed countries. I...
1 video | Rent $50
80:20: Interdependence
1 video | Rent $50
“Interdependence” 80:20: The Developing World: Episode 2
“Interdependence” explains that, concerned or not, everyone is affected—through trading relationships and other factors of interdependence such as health, the environment, economics and global security.
This compact and comprehensive seri...
1 video | Rent $50
80:20: A Tropical Paradise
1 video | Rent $50
“A Tropical Paradise” 80:20: The Developing World: Episode 1
“A Tropical Paradise” provides an overview of the 80/20 split of global wealth and introduces the concept of developing countries and the origin of the term “third world.” It ends by asking why people in more developed countries should...
Storytellers in motion: The Indigenous Voice Pt 3
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“The Indigenous Voice, Part 3” Series 3 Episode 39
In this final installment of our “Storytellers in motion” series we dive headfirst into the views of the Next Wave of Indigenous storytelling. Unlike the Canadian stereotype, these storytellers are unapologetic. They are primarily young and thei...
Storytellers in motion: Barry Barclay 1944-2008...
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“Barry Barclay 1944-2008: A Requiem Parts 1 & 2” Series 3 Episode 37 & 38
Barry Barclay, filmmaker, poet laureate, friend and companion to the Queen, was a man held in high esteem. He was known as a staunch advocate for the right of Indigenous people to tell their own stories. He was the first I...
Storytellers in motion: Laura Milliken
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“Laura Milliken” Series 3 Episode 36
In this portrait of Laura Milliken, “Storytellers in motion” viewers meet one of the busiest and multi-faceted independent producers working in Canada today. As co-creator of “Moccasin Flats”, she literally fell into the dramatic and creative scene when the s...
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Storytellers in motion: Zoe Hopkins
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“Zoe Hopkins” Series 3 Episode 35
Zoe Leigh Hopkins began her career as an actor. She graduated in 1997 from Ryerson University with a BAA in Film. Zoe was Senior Producer on “Venturing Forth”, a documentary series about Aboriginal youth. She was a Fellow at the Sundance Institute's January 2004...
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Storytellers in motion: Jesse Green
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“Jesse Green” Series 3 Episode 34
Jesse Green is a child of rock and roll, raised on the road by blues guitar legend Billie Joe Green. Jesse grew up around music and has been involved in at least one form of music all his life. From crawling around a set of drums as a kid to handling the recordi...
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Storytellers in motion: Danis Goulet
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“Danis Goulet” Series 3 Episode 33
Growing up around a politician is not something you'll find in Danis Goulet's résumé. But learning that her parents were both selfless educators and her father the first Aboriginal Cabinet Minister in a Saskatchewan government might put her in a different light...
Storytellers in motion: Thirza Cuthand
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“Thirza Cuthand” Series 3 Episode 32
Thirza Cuthand, a Cree filmmaker and artist from Saskatchewan, has made over 10 videos since they were sixteen years old, dealing with issues as far-ranging as sexual stereotypes, ageism, queer identity, race, and mass-mediated representations of the family f...
Storytellers in motion: Joseph Lazare
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“Joseph Lazare” Series 3 Episode 31
Perhaps the talent to watch in the years ahead, Joseph Lazare has been a video addict since he was a young boy. Better known as “Dega” among his friends, Joseph has been making movies since he was thirteen in his hometown of Kahnawake, Québec. He also designs...
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Storytellers in motion: Gail Maurice
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“Gail Maurice” Series 3 Episode 30
Vivacious and charismatic, Gail Maurice is a ball of energy wrapped around a focused and determined woman. This Métis actress directed her first feature length documentary in 2007, “Scream Your Dreams”, about Aboriginal youth in Canada. Her short “Smudge” aired...
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Storytellers in motion: Tracey Deer
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“Tracey Deer” Series 3 Episode 29
Tracey Deer (Mohawk) is a young filmmaker from the Kahnawake reserve, outside Montréal in Québec. It's where she grew up and where she started making her own films at the precocious age of 12. She went on to attend media classes in high school and graduated fro...
Storytellers in motion: Dennis Jackson & Melanie…
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“Dennis Jackson & Melanie Jackson” Series 3 Episode 28
Dennis Jackson (Cree) and Melanie Jackson (Métis/Saulteaux) are award-winning writers, producers and directors. They combine their talents for creative storytelling with finely honed production skills and a developed knack for business, mov...
Storytellers in motion: imagineNATIVE
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“imagineNATIVE” Series 3 Episode 27
The third series of “Storytellers in motion'' salutes the next wave of Indigenous storytellers, starting with a trip to the heart of downtown Toronto. Amid the glass and steel, hype and hustle is the home of the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival. This ...
Storytellers in motion: The Indigenous Voice Pt 2
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“The Indigenous Voice, Part 2” Series 2 Episode 26
This final episode of Series two of “Storytellers in motion” further examines the Indigenous voice. Each of the talented storytellers profiled in the second series reflect on their perceptions of the Indigenous voice in film and television. Wh...
Storytellers in motion: Bak Wo Son (Reflections...
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“Bak Wo Son (Reflections): Jeff Bear, Parts 1 & 2” Series 2 Episode 24 & 25
This episode is in spoken Maliseet with English subtitles. This accomplished producer has a long career and is dedicated to telling the stories of his people. Early influences of television in his childhood were temper...
Storytellers in motion: Starting Out: Lisa Jackson
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“Starting Out: Lisa Jackson” Series 2 Episode 23
Lisa Jackson is part of a new wave of Indigenous filmmakers determined to make a difference. She reflects on her inner city childhood in Toronto and her relationship with her mother, a victim of the residential school experience. Following her m...
Storytellers in motion: Modern Indigenous Abori...
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“Modern Indigenous Aboriginal Native Indian Type Dude: Jordan Wheeler” Series 2 Episode 22
With a mix of Cree, Ojibway, Assiniboian, English, Scottish and Irish heritage Jordan Wheeler describes himself as a modern Indigenous aboriginal native type dude. At 42, his career as a professional wri...
Storytellers in motion: The Entrepreneur: Brend...
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“The Entrepreneur: Brenda Chambers” Series 2 Episode 21
Brenda Chambers is a Tlingit from the Yukon, the granddaughter of a hereditary chief. Her father and an aunt were outfitters, and Brenda was shaped by influences of family life. She studied at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton and worked ...
Storytellers in motion: It's a Spiritual Thing...
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“It's a Spiritual Thing: Rodger Ross” Series 2 Episode 20
This urban Cree storyteller was born and raised in Regina. Through his company Creerunner Communications, Rodger Ross has the conviction to make films for communication first rather than letting his vision be shaped by the narrow confin...
Storytellers in motion: Kibitzing with Podemski…
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“Kibitzing with Podemski: Jennifer Podemski” Series 2 Episode 19
From early childhood in Toronto, Jennifer Podemski knew she wanted to be a storyteller. Her career started with dance, stage and as a youth host for the CBC “Wonderstruck” series. In high school, studies at the Toronto Arts Schoo...
Storytellers in motion: Haisla Anchor: Carla Rob…
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“Haisla Anchor: Carla Robinson” Series 2 Episode 18
Carla Robinson was a National CBC News anchor who grew up in Kitimat and Bella Bella. Her genuine interest in people nurtured an interest in telling stories at an early age. By the time she was 17, she was a reporter for a weekly newspaper in...
Storytellers in motion: From the Trapline: Shir…
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“From the Trapline: Shirley Cheechoo” Series 2 Episode 17
This director of drama for stage and film is inspired by heartfelt experiences that include life on the trapline, residential school, summers spent in Moose Factory and stories from her mother, a medicine woman. Amid clips from her film...
Storytellers in motion: Spirit Catcher: Bert Cr…
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“Spirit Catcher: Bert Crowfoot” Series 2 Episode 16
With a sense of balance between the physical, mental and spiritual and a strong desire to always improve, photographer Bert Crowfoot captures the spirit of the moment in his work. As a speaker and community leader, he communicates the importa...
Storytellers in motion: Mi'kmaq Storyteller: Ca…
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“Mi'kmaq Storyteller: Catherine Martin” Series 2 Episode 15
Telling stories was always something her family did, so when Catherine Martin began making films, she already had a long history of storytelling. After a short drama and documentary on Maliseet artist Shirley Bear, Martin directed “Th...
Storytellers in motion: The Intrepid Native Rep...
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“The Intrepid Native Reporter: Duncan McCue” Series 2 Episode 14
Combining adroit storytelling with a legal background, this reporter tells it like no other. Duncan McCue began his career with journal writing and poetry, before moving to the student newspaper at University of King's College in...
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Storytellers in motion: The Maori Voice
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“The Maori Voice, Parts 1 & 2” Series 1 Episode 12 & 13
This two-part episode features the Maori storytellers of New Zealand: Barry Barclay, Merata Mita, Tainui Stephens, Don Selwyn, Carey Carter and Vanessa Rare. Over the last century, the Maori voice has remained an essential part of New Zeal...
Storytellers in motion: Lights, Camera and Acti...
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“Lights, Camera and Action: Tantoo Cardinal” Series 1 Episode 11
Tantoo Cardinal defies stereotypes. In the early 1980s, during a time when very few Indigenous women were seen on the big screen, her acting career met with considerable success. With over 50 films and television programs to her c...
Storytellers in motion: Our First Lady of Cinem...
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“Our First Lady of Cinema: Alanis Obomsawin” Series 1 Episode 10
Alanis Obomsawin, a member of the Abenaki Nation, is recognized as an accomplished filmmaker and leading voice of Indigenous filmmakers in Canada. With a career that spans 40 years and over 30 films, “Storytellers in motion” recog...
Storytellers in motion: From the Edge: Gil Card…
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“From the Edge: Gil Cardinal” Series 1 Episode 9
Gil Cardinal embraces the principle of using film as a tool for social change by creating poignant documentaries and dramas while acknowledging responsibility to honour the communities whose stories he tells. Two of his early films were personal ...
Storytellers in motion: Mr. Tapwe: Doug Cuthand
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“Mr. Tapwe: Doug Cuthand” Series 1 Episode 8
Doug Cuthand believes that the land nurtures the arts in Saskatchewan, a belief reflected in his films and writings. This documentary explores Cuthand's literary and documentary work, from his determination to take on tough issues in his column for t...
Storytellers in motion: The Syilx Voice: Tracey...
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“The Syilx Voice: Tracey Jack” Series 1 Episode 7
As a documentary filmmaker, Tracey Jack believes in understanding one's community first and foremost, and she's not afraid to tackle any topic. She has explored such tough stories as drug and alcohol abuse and violence in “REZcovery”, community ...
Storytellers in motion: Town Crier: Jim Compton...
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“Town Crier: Jim Compton” Series 1 Episode 6
As an on-air journalist in Manitoba from 1983 to 1992, Jim Compton was one of the first Indigenous television reporters for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Now a mentor to a new generation of emerging Indigenous filmmakers, he strives to...
Storytellers in motion: Finding My Talk: Paul R...
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“Finding My Talk: Paul Rickard” Series 1 Episode 5
This accomplished filmmaker has a strong connection to stories from his past and to those that look toward the future. In his feature length documentary, “Aboriginal Architecture, Living Architecture”, Paul Rickard showcases Indigenous architec...
Storytellers in motion: Culture Shock in Alert...
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“Culture Shock in Alert Bay: Barb Cranmer” Series 1 Episode 4
When it comes to family stories, few storytellers matched the prolific output of Barb Cranmer (1960-2019), one of the first Indigenous filmmakers to consistently title her films in the language of her ancestors. After extensive work ...
Storytellers in motion: Hunkpapa Woman: Dana Cl...
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“Hunkpapa Woman: Dana Claxton” Series 1 Episode 3
In the diverse world of storytelling there are sometimes a few who buck the conventional trends. Dana Claxton is one such storyteller. Her highly diverse career includes documentaries, TV story segments and corporate videos; yet in the eyes of i...
Storytellers in motion: Out of the Shadow: Chri...
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“Out of the Shadow: Christine Welsh” Series 1 Episode 2
Women within Aboriginal communities are important keepers of traditions. Christine Welsh is a Métis storyteller who was raised in Saskatchewan and now lives on the west coast. In addition to her work as a professor in Women's Studies at th...
Storytellers in motion: The Indigenous Voice Pt 1
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“The Indigenous Voice, Part 1” Series 1 Episode 1
“The Indigenous Voice” introduces the concept and the importance of the Indigenous voice as a necessary element of telling stories with accuracy and dignity and sets the stage for the profiles and tributes that follow in “Storytellers in motion,...
Ravens and Eagles: Finale: Defining Haida Art
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“Finale: Defining Haida Art” Series 2 Episode 11
The final part of this series examines how the foundations of Haida art were shaken after the intrusion of Europeans on Haida Gwaii and also looks at the robust revival of the Haida people's rich traditions taking place today. An impressive array ...
Ravens and Eagles: GiiahlGalang: The State of...
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“GiiahlGalang: The State of the Haida Language” Series 2 Episode 10
Pre-contact, the Haida language flourished with as many different dialects as there were villages. Today, few fluent speakers remain. Some worry that the Haida people stand to lose a unique worldview that is embodied in their in...
Ravens and Eagles: The New Collectors… Part 2
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“Ravens and Eagles, The New Collectors: Repatriation, Part 2” Series 2 Episode 9
Nika and Vince Collison, Haida repatriation committee members, visit the British Museum in London to open a discussion on repatriating Haida artifacts. This vast historical museum, sticking to their mandate of deliv...
Ravens and Eagles: The New Collectors… Part 1
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“The New Collectors: Repatriation, Part 1” Series 2 Episode 8
Nika, Tanya and Vince Collison and 23 other Haida delegates travel 3,000 miles to New York City to reclaim their ancestors' remains from the American Museum of Natural History. As part of their pilgrimage, they are invited by the Smit...
Ravens and Eagles: Athlii Gwaii: The Line at Lyell
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“Ravens and Eagles: Athlii Gwaii: The Line at Lyell Part 1 & 2” Series 2 Episode 6 & 7
In the fall of 1985, a small but resolute troupe of Haida elders journeyed by helicopter to Athlii Gwaii (Lyell Island) to join their young counterparts in a stand against clearcutting. Industrial invasion in ...
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Ravens and Eagles: NaXine Weaver
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“NaXine Weaver” Series 2 Episode 5
The granddaughter of weaver Selina Adams Peratrovich and daughter of Dolores Churchill, also a renowned weaver, Evelyn Vanderhoop creates the highly prized NaXine robe, or Chilkat blanket, a cedar bark and goat's wool textile that takes many years to complete. ...
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Ravens and Eagles: Haida Jewelers
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“Haida Jewelers” Series 2 Episode 4
Carmen Goertzen and Frank Paulson are two contemporary carvers who specialize in silver and gold. Both are motivated to pursue jewelry making by a desire for independence. They discuss their own processes and inspirations, how Haida jewelry fits into the large...
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Ravens and Eagles: In Our Blood
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“In Our Blood” Series 2 Episode 3
Geoff Green, Tony Green and Eric Olson are brothers who share a passion for art. Geoff is a student of design and would one day like to teach. Tony carves both wood and metal and paints, but his specialty is pencil drawing. Eric, the youngest, was motivated by h...
Ravens and Eagles: On the Trail of Property Woman
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“On the Trail of Property Woman” Series 2 Episode 2
It's rare to find a female carver of monumental art, but in the 1960s, Freda Diesing was among the vanguard of Haida artists whose talents sparked a revival of her culture's artwork. At the age of 42, she took up carving and established herself...
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Ravens and Eagles: Stone Carver
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“Stone Carver” Series 2 Episode 1
Alfie Collinson is a stone carver who transforms the Haida people's creation stories into art. Using argillite, a stone indigenous only to Haida Gwaii, he is among the best of contemporary carvers. Alfie journeys to sacred ground to quarry the stone, slabs of wh...
Ravens and Eagles: Robert Davidson: Eagle of th...
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“Ravens and Eagles, Robert Davidson: Eagle of the Dawn, Part 1 & 2” Series 1 Episode 10 & 11
One of the most intriguing contemporary artists of his generation, Robert Davidson stands apart internationally with his innovative and staggering output of high art. In his quest to make beautiful objec...
Ravens and Eagles: Paradox of Attribution
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“Paradox of Attribution” Series 1 Episode 13
Haida art had reached a very sophisticated stage of development by the time of the Haida people's first contact with Europeans. Nearly every household item was adorned with carved or painted crests. Missionaries saw the art as the work of the devil; b...
Ravens and Eagles: Yahgu dang ang: To Pay Respect
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“Yahgu dang ang: To Pay Respect” Series 1 Episode 12
Many Haida cultural treasures currently housed in museums around the world were looted from old and vacated Haida village sites. In their zeal, early explorers to Haida Gwaii took away grave goods and human remains, a questionable academic pra...
Ravens and Eagles: Chiefly Possessions
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“Chiefly Possessions” Series 1 Episode 9
The accumulation of wealth has been linked to the collection of high art throughout most of human existence. With Haida culture, this is particularly true. In the potlatch system, a practice outlawed by the federal government during the early 20th century...
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Ravens and Eagles: Journey of Song
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“Journey of Song” Series 1 Episode 8
Songs remain one of the strongest links to the nearly extinct Haida language. Three women explain how art is linked to songs and language and how all are intertwined with Haida culture. Terri Lynne Davidson is re-learning the ancestral songs once sung by her ...
Ravens and Eagles: Portrait of a Mask Maker Reg...
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“Portrait of a Mask Maker: Reg Davidson” Series 1 Episode 7
A maker of the most elaborate and sometimes outrageous masks, Reg Davidson is at the top of his class. Portrait of a Mask Maker joins him in his studio to watch him carve and share his views about Haida art. Reg does not consider himsel...
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Ravens and Eagles: The New Masters
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“The New Masters” Series 1 Episode 6
Haida art is in the hands of a new generation who are carrying on the traditions. Like their weaving counterparts, young carvers in Haida Gwaii have their predecessors' impressive legacy to match. The New Masters features three leading carvers from the new ge...
Ravens and Eagles: Carrying on the Tradition
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“Carrying on the Tradition” Series 1 Episode 5
Influenced and influential, April Churchill and Gladys Vandal stand out as highly gifted and talented Haida artists, both of whom have worked to preserve the Haida weaving tradition. The eldest daughter of legendary teacher Delores Churchill, April ...
Ravens and Eagles: Argillite Carver: Christian...
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“Argillite Carver: Christian White” Series 1 Episode 4
Multi-disciplinary artist Christian White carves elaborate Haida stories, imbued with a sense of tradition, into an indigenous slate known as argillite. A descendant of Charles Edenshaw, Christian learned to carve from his father, the late M...
Ravens and Eagles: Cedar Bark Weaver: Victoria...
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“Cedar Bark Weaver: Victoria Moody” Series 1 Episode 3
A weaver from Skidegate, British Columbia, Vicki Moody uses cedar bark in the creation of a new style of art that brings together bold designs with her political views. Vicki came to cedar as a teenager and has woven stories into her work. H...
Ravens and Eagles: Spruce Root Weaver: Isabel R...
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“Spruce Root Weaver: Isabel Rorick” Series 1 Episode 2
A weaver from Masset, British Columbia, Isabel Rorick uses spruce roots and makes some of the most intricate and beautiful hats and baskets in the Pacific Northwest. Related to both Florence Edenshaw Davidson and Selina Peratovich, Isabel co...
Ravens and Eagles: What is Haida Art?
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“What is Haida Art?” Series 1 Episode 1
This introduction to Haida art from the Haida perspective follows five themes: formline, ceremony, function, preservation, songs and language. The artists and themes featured here are more fully explored throughout the series.
Shot on British Columbia's r...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Pow-Wow
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“Pow-Wow” Season 3 Episode 13
It’s the Deer Lake Tansi Pow-wow and you are all invited. Kai and Kayla learn words that help us understand the pow-wow, hear stories about the beginnings of pow-wow, and they get to take part in this traditional event. Smokey Valley and Travelling Spirit Drummers a...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Coyotes in the...
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“Coyotes in the City” Season 3 Episode 12
Join Kai and Kayla as they search for coyotes in the city while they learn the words for the animals that we share the city with. There will be many animals to see when they visit Burnaby Lake and the Wildlife Rescue Centre. Musical guest Jason Burnstick...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Scary Stuff
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“Scary Stuff” Season 3 Episode 11
There’s something spooky in the air. Kai and Kayla learn the words for scary stuff and test their nerves in a haunted house. Musical guest Jason Burnstick returns with a song about not being scared.
Nehiyawetan means "Let's Speak Cree". This dynamic thirteen pa...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Music
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“Music” Season 3 Episode 10
Start the music! Kai and Kayla learn the words for music, and Ostwelve drops by to create a hip tune and jam with all the kids at home. Kai, Kayla and Auntie Josephine visit a music store and get to try out some musical instruments. Musical guest, Renae Morriseau retu...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Sun, Moon, Stars
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“Sun, Moon, Stars” Season 3 Episode 9
Kai and Kayla learn Cree words for sun, moon, stars and sky and explore the wonders of space at the planetarium. Kai interviews Commander John Herrington, former astronaut and the first Aboriginal person to walk in space! Rising star Jonathan Todd sings his ...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Winter Solstice
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“Winter Solstice” Season 3 Episode 8
Let’s exchange gifts and give thanks. Kai and Kayla learn the words for the winter solstice and Christmas. They’ll put on their jackets and boots and head up Grouse Mountain for fun in the snow while musical guest, Janet Panic, performs a song welcoming the C...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Being Healthy
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“Being Healthy” Season 3 Episode 7
Good health has always been important in Aboriginal culture, as Kai and Kayla discover when they begin learning Cree words and phrases about health. As part of their adventure, they learn why visiting the dentist really isn’t scary. Musical guest Nadine Gagne s...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Theatre
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“Theatre” Season 3 Episode 6
Ladies and gentleman, give a big hand for Kai, Kayla and Tantoo Cardinal. It’s theatre day with face-painting, acting and Cree words about theatre. Join us as Tantoo takes us into the world of make-believe and save a big round of applause for musical guest (and actor...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Making Art
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“Making Art” Season 3 Episode 5
Making art is fun, especially with Kai and Kayla. Join them as they learn Cree words about art and visit weaver Debbie Sparrow at her studio. Musical guest and artist Cheryl L’Hirondelle visits, so join in on a song about making art and being creative.
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Canoeing in the...
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“Canoeing in the City” Season 3 Episode 4
Slap on some sunscreen and grab a life jacket – we’re going canoeing in the city with Kai, Kayla, Auntie Josephine and the wonderful people at Takaya Tours from Tsleil-Waututh First Nation! Discover words for canoeing, see how canoes are made, and sing a...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Sports
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“Sports” Season 3 Episode 3
Have you stretched? Good, because there’s lots of running and playing as Kai and Kayla discover Cree words for sports. They skateboard, climb, and try to score against a top Aboriginal soccer player, Curtis Thomas. There’s even more fun when Jason Burnstick sings a li...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Storytelling
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“Storytelling” Season 3 Episode 2
Stories play an important role in Cree culture and Kai and Kayla are ready to learn the words for storytelling. They share their own stories, join their many friends and elders in a storytelling circle and visit Nerd Corps to find out about animation – another f...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Review
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"Review" Season 3 Episode 1
Welcome to year three of Tansi! Nehiyawetan! Kai, Kayla, and Auntie Josephine hope you remember your words from last season. Don’t worry if you are a little rusty, because our games, adventures and sing-alongs will help you remember and get ready for the new season of...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Feast
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"Feast" Season 2 Episode 6
Let’s eat, feast, and give thanks with Josephine, Kai, and Kayla, as they celebrate the end of another great year! All are welcomed in the feast at the Kla-how-eya Centre in Surrey, BC, filled with laughing and singing with the Children of the Rainbow. Guest Art Napole...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Weather
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"Weather" Season 2 Episode 5
It is sunny, it is windy, it is rainy, it is snowy. Josephine and guest performer, Skeena Reece, teach Kai and Kayla the Cree words for various weather. And they go to Science World to see how weather can help make energy. This episode is sure to bring sunshine to yo...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Clothing
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"Clothing" Season 2 Episode 4
You are cordially invited to Kai and Kayla’s dress up party! They are on a costume adventure with their Auntie Josephine, as they learn the Cree words for the clothes they wear, and play an exciting game with funny clothes. Musical guest, Joseph Naytowhow is schedul...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Seasons
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"Seasons" Season 2 Episode 3
The harvest is here, and it’s time to celebrate the arrival of a new season – and the perfect time to learn about the four seasons of the year! We are welcome at the Aboriginal Garden at the University of British Columbia, where Kai and Kayla help serve the elders an...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Colours
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"Colours" Season 2 Episode 2
The world is a colourful place, and Kai and Kayla are learning about the four colours of the medicine wheel – white, yellow, black, and red – with their Auntie Josephine and guest performer, Art Napoleon. Artist Jerry Whitehead stops by to teach Kai and Kayla about m...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: In the Garden
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"In the Garden" Season 2 Episode 1
Tansi! Kai and Auntie Josephine are back, and joined by new student, Kayla, for another fun year of Cree. What better way to start the new year than “In the Garden”, learning about all the things that grow right in their own backyard! Guest Jason Burnstick join...
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Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Fun
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"Fun" Season 1 Episode 6
Musical guest Jason Burnstick joins Grace, Kai, and Kiyano on a journey to Jericho Beach in Vancouver to have a picnic, play some games and enjoy berry picking. In other words, they're out to have “fun”!! Kai shares a story about how much he likes to climb... even wall-c...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Animals
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"Animals" Season 1 Episode 5
Grace, Kai, Kiyano and their teacher Josephine are off to Stanley Park in search of different animals and practice the Cree words for their various furry friends. Kai shares a story about his Atim (“dog” in Cree), and Cheryl L'Hirondelle drums and sings about animals...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Family
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"Family" Season 1 Episode 4
Grace, Kai, and Kiyano learn family titles in Cree, and fun ensues as they play charades, trying to guess who Josephine is pretending to be. Cheryl L'Hirondelle appears as a musical guest, and Grace shares a story about her family.
Nehiyawetan means "Let's Speak Cree...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Action
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“Action” Season 1 Episode 3
Grace, Kai, and Kiyano get the chance to exercise their bodies and their Cree with action words for running, dancing, jumping and stopping. Musical guest Sandy Scofield joins in on the fun while Grace shares a story about how much she likes to dance.
Nehiyawetan mean...
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From the Spirit: April Mercredi
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“April Mercredi” Episode 16 (2007, 24 minutes)
Born to a Chinese father and a Cree-French mother in Alberta, April Mercredi grew up at Rocky Mountain House. She began painting in her 60s and uses natural elements like feathers, rocks and sticks in her artwork, while drawing on Aboriginal imager...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Sean Couchie
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“Sean Couchie” Episode 15 (2007, 24 minutes)
This member of the Nipissing Band of Ojibways makes his home in London, Ontario. Sean Couchie is a graduate of Fanshawe College and considers winning the Peace Hills Trust Native Art Contest in 1992, 1996 and again in 2005 as one of the major contrib...
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From the Spirit: Tim Paul
1 video | Rent $50
“Tim Paul” Episode 14 (2007, 24 minutes)
Tim Paul is from Esperanza Inlet, north of Tofino, British Columbia. He began carving in 1975 at the Arts of the Raven Gallery in Victoria, under the direction of Ben Andrews. From 1984 to 1992, Tim was Senior Carver at the Royal British Columbia Museum ...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Dale Auger
1 video | Rent $50
“Dale Auger” Episode 13 (2005, 24 minutes)
A Sakaw Cree from Bigstone Cree Nation in northern Alberta, Dale Auger spent seven years at the University of Calgary, completing a B.Ed., an MA and a Ph.D. in Education. He became a highly acclaimed painter as well as a renowned comedian and motivatio...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Terry McCue
1 video | Rent $50
“Terry McCue” Episode 12 (2005, 24 minutes)
Terry McCue was born at the Curve Lake First Nation north of Peterborough, Ontario. As a youth, this self-taught Ojibway painter watched and learned from his cousin Arthur Schilling. Terry talks about his struggle with alcohol, his lack of formal trai...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Fred McDonald
1 video | Rent $50
“Fred McDonald” Episode 11 (2005, 24 minutes)
This Woodland Cree from Fort McMurray in northern Alberta hunted and trapped with his family along the Athabasca River as a child. Fred McDonald attended the University of Calgary, completing a BFA in 1995 and an MFA in 2002. His work is a mixture o...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Daniel Crane
1 video | Rent $50
“Daniel Crane” Episode 10 (2005, 24 minutes)
Daniel Crane is from the Tsuu T'ina Nation near Calgary, Alberta. He is an entertainer, artist and musician who has struggled with substance abuse but, through the flute, has found his spiritual voice.
This 26-part series of half-hour documentaries ...
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From the Spirit: John Farcy
1 video | Rent $50
“John Farcy” Episode 9 (2005, 24 minutes)
John Farcy is a Dene artist who lives in Fort Providence on the MacKenzie River, Northwest Territories. Although he studied art for two years in Victoria, he's primarily a self-taught artist. John works in ink in a style known as pointillism. He frequen...
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From the Spirit: Rocky Barstad
1 video | Rent $50
“Rocky Barstad” Episode 8 (2005, 24 minutes)
From T'suu T'ina heritage, Rocky owns the Two Feathers Gallery in High River, Alberta. He has studied and traveled throughout Arizona and promoted Aboriginal Art and the importance of keeping it authentic in Europe. His paintings and bronze statues h...
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From the Spirit: Jane Ash Poitras
1 video | Rent $50
“Jane Ash Poitras” Episode 7 (2005, 24 minutes)
Jane Ash Poitras was born in Fort Chipewyan in northern Alberta. She completed a degree in microbiology and didn't really connect with her native heritage or art until she was 30. She has a BFA in print and design from Yale University and an MFA a...
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From the Spirit: Eli Nasogaluak
1 video | Rent $50
“Eli Nasogaluak” Episode 6 (2005, 24 minutes)
Eli Nasogaluak is an Inuvialuit from Tuktoyaktuk in the Inuvik region of the Northwest Territories. He creates beautiful sculptures depicting a variety of traditional and contemporary images, and his work reflects the animals and spirits of the nort...
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From the Spirit: Jim Hart
1 video | Rent $50
“Jim Hart” Episode 5 (2005, 24 minutes)
A member of the Eagle clan from Old Massett in Haida Gwaii, Jim Hart is one of the Northwest Coast's most accomplished artists. He worked with Bill Reid from 1980 to 1984, carved several totem poles for private commissions and, as a hereditary Chief, is c...
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Bowl of Bone : Tale of the Syuwe
1 video | Rent $50
(1992, 114 minutes)
An intriguing film that eludes classification, Bowl of Bone combines biography, dreams, documentary, and journalistic narration, while recounting a powerful narrative of a unique 15-year collaboration between Jan Marie Martell, filmmaker/poet, and Annie Zetco York, Nlaka’pamu... -
1 video | Rent $50
Homecoming Song
1 video | Rent $50
(2019, 20 minutes)
Homecoming Song tells the story of the ancient song that Angela Sidney sang for her son Pete when he returned home after being away at war for six years. This poetic documentary combines historical footage, live action and animation to tell parallel stories from the Yukon about... -
1 video | Rent $50
I See Stars
1 video | Rent $50
(2018, 10.5 minutes)
A fluke brain injury begins a young woman's lifelong battle with pain, depression and medication. A moving personal narrative of young filmmaker Caid Dow's continuing struggle with the lingering effects of a concussion suffered at the age of 14, delivered in a poetic open-ver... -
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Numbers
1 video | Rent $50
“Numbers” Season 1 Episode 2
Grace, Kai, Kiyano and their teacher Josephine are off to the farmers’ market to shop for fruit and test their new Cree counting words. At game time, they have fun seeing how many times they can hop on one foot, counting in Cree. Then, Ray Thunderchild rallies them f...
Nehiyawetan | Let's Speak Cree: Greetings
1 video | Rent $50
“Greetings” Season 1 Episode 1
Join Grace, Kai and Kiyano as their teacher Josephine teaches them Cree words for “hello”, “I am fine,” and “how are you” while musical guest Jason Burnstick shares a fun greeting song with them. Next is an exciting game of Go Go Stop – Cree style, before the child...
From the Spirit: Joane Cardinal-Schubert
1 video | Rent $50
“Joane Cardinal-Shubert” Episode 4 (2005, 24 minutes)
A Blackfoot artist and visual storyteller, Joane Cardinal-Schubert lived and worked in Calgary until her untimely death in September 2009. Her multimedia works reflect a strong spirituality and have been described as visual stories of person...
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From the Spirit: Archie Beaulieu
1 video | Rent $50
“Archie Beaulieu” Episode 3 (2005, 24 minutes)
This Dogrib Dene from Fort Rae in the Northwest Territories is known for his bold and unique style of painting. Archie Beaulieu's art reflects his background of hunting, fishing and trapping and his connection to the land and its spirit.
This 26-p...
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From the Spirit: George Littlechild
1 video | Rent $50
“George Littlechild” Episode 2 (2005, 24 minutes)
George Littlechild is a Plains Cree Métis artist who grew up in Alberta. His work in art began at age four, and an exceptional artistic talent provided refuge from racist taunts by fellow students or their parents. George Littlechild has an ext...
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From the Spirit: Roy Henry Vickers
1 video | Rent $50
“Roy Henry Vickers” Episode 1 (2005, 24 minutes)
As one of Canada's top artists from British Columbia, Roy Henry Vickers has established a loyal audience for his prints, paintings, carvings and designs. His distinctive art style has combined the traditional and contemporary, old and new, person...
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From the Spirit: Aaron Paquette
1 video | Rent $50
“Aaron Paquette” Episode 26 (2007, 24 minutes)
This young Edmontonian is an artist, educator and community builder. A descendant of the Cree, Cherokee and Norwegian people, Aaron Paquette uses distinct colour and clear forms in his work. In talking about his work, Aaron says, "When I began to w...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: James Wedzin
1 video | Rent $50
“James Wedzin” Episode 25 (2009, 24 minutes)
James Wedzin is a Tlicho artist from Behchoko (Fort Rae), Northwest Territories, who praises his grandmother for inspiring and encouraging his early interest in traditional art. He watched her create intricate beadwork endlessly and developed his own...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Lee Claremont
1 video | Rent $50
“Lee Claremont” Episode 24 (2009, 24 minutes)
This First Nations artist and educator of Mohawk and Irish descent has taught at the En'owkin Centre, an internationally recognized Aboriginal Educational College located in Penticton, British Columbia. A member of the Iroquois Grand River Six Natio...
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From the Spirit: Andy Everson
1 video | Rent $50
“Andy Everson” Episode 23 (2009, 24 minutes)
Andy Everson was born in Comox, British Columbia. He has always been driven to uphold the traditions of both the K'omoks and Kwakwaka'waka First Nations. He began drawing Northwest Coast art at an early age and has followed in the footsteps of his Kw...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: LauraLee K. Harris
1 video | Rent $50
“LauraLee K. Harris” Episode 22 (2009, 24 minutes)
This artist from Mississauga, Ontario discovered that her "French" grandfather was also Sioux, Cree, Chipewyan, Ojibwe and Montagnais. LauraLee Harris has studied at the Ontario College of Art & Design and creates unique paintings on wood, util...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Michael Massie
1 video | Rent $50
“Michael Massie” Episode 21 (2009, 24 minutes)
Michael Massie was born in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, and is an artist of Inuit, Métis and Scottish descent. He studied at the College of the North Atlantic in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia College of Art & Design, and now lives in Kippens, N...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Preston Singletary
1 video | Rent $50
“Preston Singletary” Episode 20 (2009, 24 minutes)
The European glassblowing tradition merges with imagery from traditional Tlingit culture in the work of this Seattle artist whose work is in major art museums. Preston Singletary attended the Pilchuck Glass School in Seattle, where glass artist...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: Kevin Red Star
1 video | Rent $50
“Kevin Red Star” Episode 19 (2009, 24 minutes)
Kevin Red Star was born in Lodge Grass, Montana, where he still lives and works. A member of the Crow Indian Nation, he is known for conjuring evocative images of his ancestors, their culture and history. His works are in collections of major Ameri...
From the Spirit: Abraham Anghik Ruben
1 video | Rent $50
“Abraham Anghik Ruben” Episode 18 (2007, 24 minutes)
Abraham Anghik Ruben is an Inuvialuit artist from the Western Arctic. This contemporary sculptor was born in Paulatuk, Northwest Territories and studied at the Native Arts Centre of the University of Alaska. His carvings are deeply rooted in ...
1 video | Rent $50
From the Spirit: John Rombough
1 video | Rent $50
“John Rombough” Episode 17 (2007, 24 minutes)
This Chipewyan Dene artist was born in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, and raised by adoptive parents on Prince Edward Island. As a young adult, John Rombough began to search for his birth parents. He discovered that his father, Alfred Catholique, was livin...